Saturday, February 15, 2025

Unusual Comparisons: How Kneading Bread Dough Is Similar To The Functioning Of Patriarchal Society

What even? I’m sure something on similar grounds might come to your mind with one look at this topic. After facing centuries of lingering oppression...

Ever Wondered How Similar E-Commerce Websites And Fuccbois Are?

We all get annoyed at some point or the other by those constant spam emails and advertisements popping up everywhere, whether it's on YouTube,...

The Unusual Comparison Between Hitler And Duryodhan

Disclaimer: Originally published in July 2017. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today.  Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content...

Unusual Comparisons: RSS And Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory

Disclaimer: Originally published in November 2017. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today.  Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content...

Unusual Comparisons – Isn’t The Fight Against Coronavirus Exactly Like The WW3 We Dreaded?

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Unusual Comparisons: The Indian Media Is A Crying Child More Than Anything Else

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

If Indian Politicians Were Holi Items, Who Would Be The Best Pichkari?

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...
dilli ki sardi

Unusual Comparisons: How Exactly Is ‘Mera Pyaar’ Like ‘Dilli Ki Sardi’?

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Unusual Similarities Between DU Elections And The Holocaust!

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Pennywise, The Clown From ‘IT’ & Our Neighbourhood, Nosy Pepsi Aunty Are So Similar,...

By Kriti Rana As unlikely as it may seem, a comparison can be drawn between Pennywise the Clown and the Pepsi Aunty. You know, Pepsi...

Unusual Comparisons: K-Dramas Are More Indian Than We Thought Them To Be

T.V shows are a favourite amongst the majority of us. We love them so much that most of us have expanded our range to...

Crazy Comparisons: The “Agent Of Chaos” Joker vs Donald “The American Dream” Trump

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Ever Wondered How Similar Modi & A South Delhi Girl Are? (Video)

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Crazy Comparisons: What Makes Nigel Farage And Ramsay Bolton So Similar?

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...
India and China are Ex-Lovers

Unusual Comparisons: Here Is Why India And China Are Ex-Lovers

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

Unusual Comparisons: Trudeau And Obama Are Our Very Own Desi Jai-Veeru

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

The World And High School: One And The Same?

Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar they might...

What Whatsapp And Inception (The Movie) Have In Common

Has it ever happened to you that you got so lost in the white and pale green text bubbles of a Whatsapp window, that...

Unusual Comparison: Sahil Sarabhai And Ross Geller

When the Indian television surprises us with amazing shows like Sarabhai v/s Sarabhai we are bound to be happy when it announces its return with...

We Compared Harry Potter To Indian Weddings: Know How?

By Drishya Subramaniam An unusual comparison between the famous series Harry potter by JK Rowling to the Indian weddings to which we await eagerly. How can...
indian politicians

Our Indian Politicians Are As Far From Logic As Point Nemo, The Furthest Point...

By Vrinda Singh Unusual Comparisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how similar...
LGBTQ Pride March

Do You Know How Similar The Dandi March And LGBTQ Pride March Is?

By Sanjukta Das Bhowmick Unusual Comaprisons: An ED Original content style, where we take 2 very opposite and different items and show you, exactly how...

Unusual Comparisons: Rahul Gandhi And Rosesh Sarabhai

I am sure all of you remember the legen-wait for it-dary Rosesh from Sarabhai vs Sarabhai. He was seriously hilarious! But did you know...

ED Gets You The Most Unusual Comparison Between MS Dhoni vs Justin Trudeau Through...

In today’s poster series, our EDians have put together few of the amazing traits of our very loved captain cool, MS Dhoni and the...