Thursday, December 26, 2024

Memes About Poor Bihar Feeling Left Out With Indians Obsessing Over US Elections

After the demise of George Floyd, several Indians were chanting Black Lives Matter along with Americans. It was rather ironic, considering how dark-skinned people...

भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच का करतारपुर कॉरिडोर ऐतिहासिक क्यों है?

मेरे पड़ोस में दो परिवार हैं जिनके बड़े एक दूसरे के साथ बहुत झगड़ा करते हैं। हालांकि, बच्चे एक साथ बड़े हुए हैं और...

News Comedy: The Future of Stupid Indian Media?

India is becoming a country where comedians are talking about serious issues and the media is dancing around like a fool, talking about weirdest...

Why 500 & 1000 Rupee Notes Have Been Declared Illegal? Everything You Need To...

- By Mrinaal Datt  In what could be said the most interesting and shocking news of the day, the Prime Minister of the country Mr....

FlippED: Does India Need A Population Control Act? Our Bloggers Fight It Out

FlippED is an ED Original style wherein two bloggers come together to share their opposing or orthogonal perspectives on an interesting subject. Although the population...

6 Demands Of Farmers Which Seem Unreasonable Even To An Unbiased Lay Man

News articles, media reports and social media websites are filled with the latest updates of the ongoing farmers' protest which has effectively cut off...

The AAP Factor…!

By Nikita Rana Aam Aadmi Party -famous for its bizarre street politics has been a harbinger of change in the arena of Indian Politics. ...
UP taj mahal

UP Tourism Department Ad Skips Featuring Taj Mahal Again

It seems that the UP government has once again decided to skip featuring the Taj Mahal in one of their ads promoting tourism within...

I Think The Existential Crisis Of Congress Is Not Only Dangerous For India But...

The Grand Old Party, Indian National Congress has been facing serious existential crisis lately. Print and electronic media are flooded with headlines showcasing the...
indian politicians

In Pics: 5 Statements By Indian Politicians That Received Severe Backlash

The words of people in power have a significant impact on the public. For example, in a mass gathering, when politicians propagate wrong ideas,...

Gone With The Wind Gandhi!

A note of clarification to all those who understand the reference in the title : in no way am I insinuating that Mr. Rahul...
Elnaaz Norouzi

ईरान में हिजाब विरोधी प्रदर्शन का समर्थन कर रही है एलनाज़ नौरोजी; वह कौन...

ईरान में पिछले कुछ दिनों से हिंसक विरोध प्रदर्शन चल रहे हैं. विरोध तब शुरू हुआ जब ईरान की नैतिकता पुलिस ने महसा अमिनी...
indian americans

Did Indian Americans Really Think They Would Not Be Affected By Trump’s Policies?

The rise of hate crime in the US, especially against people of colour and the brown community more than anything, is extremely alarming. And the...

Rupee slid further after the passage of Food Security Bill. More like the Vote...

God bless our nation! All we can do is pray, because the incumbent government might be taking inappropriate measures . There is a conflict...
Invisible Divorce In South Asian Americans

अदृश्य तलाक: दक्षिण एशियाई जोड़े के बीच एक बढ़ती प्रवृत्ति

यह एक ज्ञात तथ्य है कि लगभग 50 प्रतिशत पहली शादियाँ, 60 प्रतिशत दूसरी शादियाँ और 73 प्रतिशत तीसरी शादियाँ तलाक में समाप्त होती...

Back In Time: 43 Years Ago, Indira Gandhi’s National Emergency Changed India’s Democracy

Back in Time is ED’s newspaper-like column that reports an incident from the past as though it has happened just yesterday. It allows the...

तालाबंदी के दौरान शराब की बिक्री की अनुमति होनी चाहिए?

विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) द्वारा प्रकाशित एक रिपोर्ट बताती है कि "COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान लॉकडाउन के समय शराब का सेवन स्वास्थ्य भेद्यता, मानसिक...

Back In Time: 27 Years Ago, Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassination Changed India

Back in Time is ED’s newspaper-like column that reports an incident from the past as though it has happened just yesterday. It allows the...

In Pics: Wives Of Indian Politicians Who Contributed To India’s Growth

Most of us are familiar with famous politicians and leaders of India, but their wives have often been overshadowed. Many wives of successful leaders...

Indians React To The Controversial Time Magazine Cover Calling Modi “Divider In Chief”

The America-based Time magazine has featured Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on its cover page and has addressed him as the “Divider in Chief”. The...
indian democracy

The Indian Democracy Won’t Collapse, Here’s Why

India is the largest democracy in the world, and there are literal scares of when the "is" could become "was". In simple words, there...

Why should I vote?

With lights dwindling for the entire economy, everyone looks forward to the General elections happening in Jan 2014. Even if you are not a...

Beef Ban- Point Of View Of A Malayali Living In Delhi

Beef Ban-A hot debateable topic that provided a food for thought recently. Things blew out of hands when a man in Dadri was lynched...

आर.एस.एस के संयुक्त सचिव ने लिखा,हिंदू राष्ट्र का मतलब यह नहीं है कि वे...

'भविष्य भारत- आरएसएस के परिप्रेक्ष्य ’शीर्षक वाले व्याख्यान की हालिया श्रृंखला के दौरान, आरएसएस सरसंघचालक मोहन भागवत ने कुछ बयान दिए जो वर्तमान सामाजिक-राजनीतिक...

पाकिस्तान अपनी आर्थिक मंदी की कहानी खुद लिख रहा है

दक्षिण कोरिया, थाईलैंड, इंडोनेशिया आदि जैसे एशियाई देश वित्तीय संकट से प्रभावित हैं। यह विकासात्मक गतिविधियों के कारण था जो अंततः एक बड़े बैंक...