Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ResearchED: 13 Years Of Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens are all the rage in the world at this moment. People are becoming millionaires overnight due to their wise investments...

Watch: How To Shut Up And Be A Good Listener

Listening is a skill not many people have these days. Every other person is more interested in blabbering about their life, their experience, their own...

Watch: Why Are Cold Countries Richer?

Cold Countries average a higher GDP per capita. For one degree fall in temperature, the GDP per capita rose by $762. This arises due...
New COVID Variant

Breakfast Babble: Why I Wish News Channels Would Just Take A Chill Pill With...

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...

Watch: 5 Biggest OTT Releases In 2022

The pandemic has shifted movie screenings from theatres to OTT platforms. OTT platforms have given massive releases from Squid Game to The Family Man...

Watch: Some Of The World’s Weirdest Records Set By Indians

Indians have always made it a point to make a name for themselves in the global sphere. Be it as sportspersons, actors or engineers,...

Watch: These Quotes From Lady Diana Will Put Your Misconceptions About Becoming Royalty In...

Lady Diana was only 36-years-old when she died tragically in a car accident. The mystery surrounding the circumstances of her death is still fresh as...

Watch: Old Bollywood Was More Vulgar Than Today: Here’s Proof

Now and then we hear from common folks that the movies of today have become such that they can't be watched with family. Too...

Breakfast Babble: It’s Better To Be An Outsider In Delhi Than Being A Delhiite

Breakfast Babble is ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up (or not) for the day....

ResearchED: Young People Are Not Going To Make Money The Way Their Parents Did

From shops of cassettes, collections of tape recorders, the excitement of dial-up internet, the secrecy of landlines, we have come a long way. Over...

Watch: Let’s Take A Look At Some Of The Guinness World Records Held By...

How many records do you think India has broken recently? Can you name some? For starters, the Guinness world record for the largest yoga session...

Breakfast Babble: I Am Tired Of Hearing Everything Being Called “Toxic”

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...
progressive judgments

Watch: Five Progressive Judgments Passed By Indian Judiciary In 2021

2021 was a good year for the Indian judiciary. Hon'ble NV Ramana became the 48th Chief Justice of India succeeding Bobde. Many progressive judgments...

Watch: What Is Koka Shastra And How Is It Different From Kama Shastra (Kamasutra)?

Growing up in the 21st century, most of us have been brought up to perceive Hinduism as a religion that is highly orthodox in...

ResearchED: What Is The Metaverse And How Will It Aid In The Creation Of...

You've possibly heard a lot about the metaverse lately, didn’t you? The Metaverse, which literally means "beyond the universe" is an immersive virtual environment where...

Watch: These Are The Active Volcanoes Which Can Erupt Any Time Soon

With the very recent and still ongoing eruption of the Hunga Tonga Volcano being visible from space, it has resulted in becoming the bane...

Watch: Why Rockstar Isn’t As Good A Movie As You Think It Is

Rockstar was released on 11th November 2011. It was hugely appreciated at that time and even today people find themselves voluntarily watching it. I still...

Breakfast Babble: I Have Had Chowmein Hundreds Of Time, But None Have Come Close...

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...

Watch: Can Caffeine Overdose Kill You? Don’t Stride Upon The Cusp Of Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine is the quintessential constituent of a productive civilization. Coffee seeds were carried by colonists, traders, missionaries, and travelers to unskilled lands for plantation. Eventually,...
How to start getting things done?

Breakfast Babble: How To Start Getting Things Done

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...

Watch: Intersex Athletes: Ambiguous and Misunderstood

Intersex people are born with variations in chromosomes, gonads, and genitals. These variations may vary. However, intersex athletes usually appear to be female and possess...

Breakfast Babble: Why We Need A Sunday In The Middle Of The Week Too

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge things...
challenges 2022

ResearchED: What Major Challenges Will The World And India Face In 2022?

It is only the third week of 2022 and the year has already started to look bleak. The intention was not to start the...

Watch: Would You Visit This Lake In India Surrounded By A Thousand Skeletons?

This lake in India has hundreds of ancient skeletons floating around it. But many questions have been left unanswered. Whose skeletons are these? What...

Watch: The Most Memorable World Cup Matches Ever

We cannot help but look back at some of the most iconic matches in the history of the World Cup. We have been witness to...

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