Thursday, December 26, 2024

A Short History Of Bras: Demystifying All The Shebang That Lies Underneath

Demystifier: ED Original where the content is written in such a way that it is knowledgeable and easy to comprehend at the same time. Bras...

Watch: Why You Should Never Try A Beauty Blogger’s Makeup At Home

The messiahs of Instagram, beauty bloggers, have saved us from many a beauty crisis. We're entirely dependent on them as they help us navigate through...
Afghanistan Fashion

In Pics: Afghanistan Fashion Before The Soviet Invasion Was Extremely Modern And Free

Disclaimer: Originally published in September 2018. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today.  Afghanistan is mostly known for the...

Why Do Tribal Women Wear These Huge Nose Plugs?

There’s nothing new about girls being asked to behave or adopt certain practices to prevent a possible threat from the opposite gender. But how do...

The Self-Made Billionaire Of The Jenner-ation, Kylie, Makes A Debut On Fake Friendly Fridays

Fake Friendly Fridays is a section where we pick a famous personality and throw fake questions at him/her and in return, we receive fake answers....

क्या किम कार्दशियन का मेट गाला ऑउटफिट अफगान महिलाओं के बारे में है?

यदि आप प्रदर्शन पर अमेरिका के अजीब फैशन को देखना चाहते हैं, तो मेट गाला फैशन परेड वह जगह है जहां आप ट्यून करते...

Is Kim Kardashian’s Look At The Met Gala About Afghan Women?

If you want to see America’s weird fashion on display, the Met Gala fashion parade is the place you tune into. Every year, a...

“I Am A Boy And I Like Wearing Makeup”: Jason Arland Shares His Struggles...

By Jason Arland When people ask me what drove me to build a career in fashion and makeup, I never have a clear answer for...

Crazy Things Women Did To Stay Fashionable During The Great Depression And World War...

During a war or a major economic slump, one of the first industries to take a hit is the luxury industry. Most people cut...

Indian Models Who Are Not Your Conventional, Typical Standards Of Beauty And Yet Are...

The beauty standards of modelling have not always been welcoming. The typical idea of beauty is Eurocentric; tall, white-skinned and thin, but recently there...

T-Shirts Show Afghans Falling From US Aircraft; Captioned Kabul Skydiving Club

Terrifying videos of desperate Afghans clinging to the US aircraft in an attempt to flee the country spread all over the world on August...
boycott myntra

#BoycottMyntra Trends As People Attack The Brand Blindly, Yet Again

Every day the notion is just enforced even more that it hardly takes anything for people to boycott something. If possible, tomorrow a single...

असामान्य सहयोग: एच&एम् के साथ धीमा और नैतिक फैशन ब्रांड सब्यसाची?

सब्यसाची ने हाल ही में स्वीडिश फैशन ब्रांड एचएंडएम के साथ महिलाओं के परिधान के अपने नए संग्रह के लॉन्च के लिए सहयोग किया।...

Unusual Collab: Slow And Ethical Fashion Brand Sabyasachi With H&M?

Sabyasachi recently collaborated with Swedish fashion brand H&M for the launch of its new collection of women's attire. Sabyasachi is one of the most...

What Is Blackfishing And How Is It Problematic?

Demystifier: An ED Original where we take a complex topic but the content is written in such a way that it is knowledgeable and...

Top Influencer Masoom Minawala Pushes Back Criticism For Being Short On The Red Carpet

Masoom Minawala Mehta, in her stunning white chiffon stitched saree, has taken over the internet. This Instagram-based Indian fashion blogger rocked the red carpet...

शीर्ष प्रभावशाली मासूम मीनावाला ने रेड कार्पेट पर नाटे होने के लिए आलोचना को...

मासूम मीनावाला मेहता ने अपनी खूबसूरत सफेद शिफॉन की साड़ी में इंटरनेट पर धूम मचा दी है। इस इंस्टाग्राम बेस्ड भारतीय फैशन ब्लॉगर ने...

Olympics Isn’t All About Sports, It’s Also About Fashion

India, and people around the globe, are experiencing a good type of fever amidst the gloomy days of the pandemic. This fever is characterized...

क्या शीन के प्रतिबंधित होने के बाद सामने आए वैकल्पिक ब्रांड अब फिर से...

शॉपिंग प्लेटफॉर्म शीन के प्रतिबंध के बाद, शॉपहोलिक्स विकल्प के लिए पागल हो गए क्योंकि शीन के पास यह सब था। चाहे वो अजीबोगरीब...

Will Alternate Brands That Came Up When Shein Got Banned Fade Away Now With...

After the ban of the shopping platform Shein, shopaholics went crazy hunting for alternatives as Shein's absolutely had it all. Be it quirky tees...

In Pics: 7 Surprising Fashion Trends From The Past That Will Blow Your Mind

Fashion has always been an integral part of humankind. The evolving fashion trends have influenced humans to adopt new ways of wearing clothes, styling...

How Our Fascination With Racial Features Has Affected Plastic Surgery Trends

The popularity of cosmetic plastic surgery has increased drastically over the past 10 years. This is mainly due to the fact that the public...

The Ancient Art Of Rogan Textiles From Kutch Is Dying, But It’s Too Precious...

Disclaimer: Originally published in February 2016. It is being republished since it still remains a relevant and interesting topic till today.  By Kshiteeja Tomar Dressed in...

यहां जानिए क्यों पुरुषों की शर्ट में दाईं ओर बटन होते हैं और महिलाओं...

"शिट यू शुड केयर अबाउट" नामक एक इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट ने एक चौंकाने वाले तथ्य को उजागर किया। यह हम में से कई लोगों से...

Here’s Why Men’s Shirts Have Buttons On The Right, Women’s On The Left

An Instagram account called “Shit you should care about” highlighted a shocking fact. It must’ve escaped many of us, and rightly so. How much...