Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Life Skills They Don’t Teach In Schools: How To Get A Driver’s License In...

One cannot obtain a driving license directly in India. They have to go through the process of obtaining a learner’s license before the driving...

1,200 Iranian University Students Allegedly ‘Poisoned’ Right Before Their Planned Protests Against Authorities

The protests in Iran are showing no sign of dying down, instead the more the authorities try to suppress them, the more they are...

Breakfast Babble: The Joys Of Offline College After Two Years Online

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...
Indian MBBS Students

Confusion Makes Indian MBBS Students Worried For Future

The announcement by the National Medical Commission (NMC) about the National Exit Test (NExT) being conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences...
IIT Kharagpur

IIT Kharagpur Backtracks After Students Create Furor Over Convocation Dress Code

The supposed dress code given by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur in their convocation 2023 had led to debates and furor among...

कॉमर्स स्ट्रीम की लोकप्रियता छात्रों के बीच घटती है: भारत के भविष्य के लिए...

भारत में शिक्षा मंत्रालय द्वारा किए गए एक हालिया अध्ययन ने भारतीय छात्रों की बदलती प्राथमिकताओं पर प्रकाश डाला है, जब उच्च माध्यमिक कक्षाओं...

thoda dhyan

The darkened stage gives way to light up a woman’s body, which is covered in nothing except her lingerie. She has an unapologetic smile...
Najeeb Ahmed - protest

Najeeb Ahmed’s Disappearance Highlights How Unstructured Crime Investigations Can Be

It has been over two months since the disappearance of JNU student Najeeb Ahmed, and it is only now that the officers probing the...

Interning At Facebook Could Make You 8000 US Dollars

With the end of semester exams and the upcoming summer break, it is natural for a university student to have free time on their...

Breakfast Babble: How The Sudden Reopening Of Colleges Affected Our Student Lives

Breakfast Babble is ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up (or not) for the day....

वीडियो में लाहौर के अमेरिकन स्कूल में छात्रा साथी छात्रा के साथ मारपीट करती...

लाहौर में स्कार्सडेल अमेरिकन इंटरनेशनल स्कूल एक संभ्रांत स्कूल है जिसने हाल ही में एक छात्र द्वारा साथी छात्र पर हमला करने की एक...

Here’s Some Advice I Would Give To A 17-year-old Me (12th Board’s Time)

By Tanya Malaiya It's that time of the year and you will need this more than ever. Guess the title says it all: Some Advice I Would...

Manipal Faculty Debarred For Calling Student ‘Kasab’

The secular nature of India as claimed by the constitution has been questioned time and again since Independence, and sadly continues to be. Recently...

COEP Technological University’s 96th Regatta Was Truly A Historical Event

#PartnerED COEP Technological University, known for its excellent academics and lively activities, celebrated its 96th Regatta event on 24th March 2024. Regatta is recognized as...

Shri Ram Leadership Summit 2014

On 7th August 2014 CLIF, Club for Leadership, Innovation and Finance organised the Shri Ram Leadership Summit 2014. The event was crafted to inspire...
Tattv 2022

Tattv 2022 By SIOM Will Have The Business World Sharing Their Wealth Of Knowledge

#PartnerED Tattv, the annual conclave is a flagship event hosted by the Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik. Specially designed for the Operations fraternity, Tattv is...

जीवन कौशल जो स्कूल में नहीं पढ़ाते हैं: रोजगार अनुबंध कैसे पढ़ें

स्कूल और कॉलेज यह सुनिश्चित करते हैं कि आप अपने विषय के बारे में सब कुछ जानते हैं। मैं एक रसायन विज्ञान की छात्रा...
Communiqué XIM University

Communiqué, XIM University’s Annual Media Conclave, Shed Light On The Ever-Abiding Presence Of Media...

#PartnerED XIM University (New Campus), Odisha, and IlluminatiX: The Media & PR cell of XIM University, concluded the Annual Media Conclave Communiqué, with stellar success on 29th January 2022. The theme for...

नीट परीक्षा में लगातार देरी से छात्र तनाव में, डॉक्टरों पर बोझ

नेशनल एलिजिबिलिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (नीट) एक ऐसी परीक्षा है, जिसे भारतीय मेडिकल या डेंटल कॉलेजों में एमबीबीएस या बीडीएस कोर्स करने के इच्छुक छात्रों...

JNU Authorities Issue Statement On Misinterpreted Campus Protests Notification

The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi is seeing much backlash for coming out with a manual that bans protests on campus. Students took this...

E-Summit By IIT Hyderabad Looks At The Current Indian Startup Ecosystem & The Multiple...

#PartnerED The Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Hyderabad is elated to announce the 5th edition of its Annual Flagship event- E-Summit on 21st - 22nd January...
indian students

Watch: 5 Cases Where Indian Students Were Victims Of Hate Crimes Abroad

Incidents of hate crimes against Indian students studying abroad have been deeply troubling and concerning. These acts of violence and hostility are not just...

New DU Scheme Opens Academic Doors To Outside Students, People

On Wednesday, 3rd August, the Academic Council of Delhi University sanctioned the introduction of a Competence Enhancement Scheme, to be operational from early 2023....
Verba Maximus 2023

Verba Maximus 2023, BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus’ 11th Foray Into The Literature Verse

#PartnerED BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus is all geared up to host the 11th edition of its annual literary fest, Verba Maximus 2023 on the 28th...

ResearchED: Menial Chores, Stolen Thesis, Sexual Advances: Toxic Life Of PhD Scholars

In the pursuit of academic excellence, students often find themselves navigating a labyrinth of challenges, from rigorous research demands to complex interpersonal dynamics. Unfortunately,...

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