Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith: Racial discrimination could be the key reason for high mortality rates...

The COVID-19 has claimed over 190, 000 American lives.  There is increasing evidence that African Americans are being disproportionately hit hard by the virus. ...

Founder of Beliked, Marco Valentinsig talks about Mankinds’ greatest inventions

Marco Valentinsig compares the internet with a wheel, find out more: "The best invention by Mankind was undoubtedly the wheel and everyone would agree because...

Normal labor services slandered as human trafficking by ASPI. What is the truth?

Recently, reports of Uyghurs as "forced labor" have been heated up by many media. The articles accused China of forcing thousands of ethnic minority...

Chairperson Maggie Chou, Taiwan Commercial District & Industrial Tourism Development United Confederation Innovating Commercial...

The Beitou SweetMe Hotspring Resort, situated in the famous hot spring area in Beitou, on the outskirts of Taipei, was completely renovated by Chairperson...

Combating with COVID-19 pandemic, the PRC experiences may help

Chu Kar-kin, Veteran policy commentator, Hong Kong Another wave of COVID-19 infections hit various countries in South-east Asia and South Asia. New confirmed cases are...

Jammu & Kashmir: From Hailstorms To Hope

By Sushant Sareen One year after the sweeping constitutional changes in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, the skies have still not fallen. All...

Neel Shah’s Page ‘Log Kya Sochenge’ Is Ruling The Social Media

Mumbai : In 2017, when Neel launched his page, he didn’t do it with any entrepreneurial ambitions. He just wanted to provide relief to...

The Much Talked About Gangrape Conversation On Snapchat Turns Out To Be Faked By...

It’s been a week since the 'Bois Locker Room' chat group was exposed on social media. Several newspapers and media outlets have covered the...

Breakfast Babble: Here’s Why I Think It’s Okay To Be Vulnerable

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...

Cabaret Bars – Hub Of Obscenity OR A Legitimate Source Of Livelihood?

Dance Bars. Cabaret dancers. Do these terms make you feel uncomfortable? As if they have the ability to somehow "taint" you? Unfortunately, you're not alone. The stigma...
Aunty Ki Ghanti Part 2

“Bol Na Aunty Aau Kya? Chocolate Waala Laau Kya?” Here’s Why Aunty Ki Ghanti...


My Scary Experience In North East As An Army Kid Showed Me The Real...

By Sakshi Ranjan In the year 2008, I was living in one of the most beautiful cities in the north-eastern part of India; Shillong, the...
Nikah Halala

Muslim Women Pay For Sex With Maulvis To Return To Their Previous Husbands

Time after time we see religions, cultures, practices and traditions make the kind of moves which worsen the already troubled status of women in...
Bad Overtaking The Good

Is The Bad Overtaking The Good In The World? Let’s Find Out

Negativity, hatred, chaos. All the essential ingredients which you need to make the world a not-so-happy place to live in, with the argument stretching...
Braid Chopper

First, The Monkey Man And Now The Braid Chopper: Indians Simply Love Superstitions

In the long list of superstitions which we as Indians have created for ourselves, here's to our latest entry in the hall of fame....
Cyber Rebellion

Stop Leaking Game Of Thrones For F**k’s Sake; We Don’t Need Hackers And Their...

The world is messed up. The cyber security of various communities including channels like HBO has been put to shit by crackers and hackers,...
Asking for flying cars is stupid

Why A Flying Car Is The Stupidest Thing You Can Ask Of Science

Science has suffered a backlash because it hasn't become advanced enough to give us affordable flying cars. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Affordable flying cars...
Sikhism Culture

Here’s How The Culture Of Sikhism Has Brought Positivity In My Life

This is not a religious article. This article hasn't been written to offend other religions or faith systems and it certainly doesn't talk about...
Leaves For Periods

Here’s Why Working Women Shouldn’t Be Given Paid Leaves For Periods

Status quo might just be opening its regressive wings in the country to welcome feminism with open arms but as we dive into the...

Is Mass Extinction Of Humans The Only Way To Save The Planet?

“I don’t ever want to have a baby.” This declaration has raised many an eyebrow in my social circles. Why would any woman say that...

Breakfast Babble: A French Life Is More Precious Than An Iraqi Life- A Subtle...

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the inter-webs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge things...
Global Icons India

Why Anil Kapoor And Irrfan Are Better Global Icons Of India Compared To Priyanka...

India has had a truckload of global icons in the past few years, be it the stars originating from here and making it in...
apology critics

The Rising Business Of Apology Critics

Sorry is one word but it has the power to end even a war. Alright, not to get too poetic or philosophical about it, but...

Pseudo Liberals, Shut Up: Swami Atmasthananda Deserved Every Bit Of That Gun Salute And...

Swami Atmasthananda (10 May 1919 – 18 June 2017) was the fifteenth president of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He joined the Ramakrishna...
ivanka trump

Who Is Ivanka Trump And Why Does She Attract So Much Negative Press?

Ivanka Trump is not just the First Daughter of the President of the United States, but she just might be one of the most...

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