The internet has provided us with amazing opportunities and made life much easier, but it has also introduced us to new dangers that we never had to worry about in the past. Online scams are one of these dangers and they have been present since the advent of the internet.
With the network connecting people from all over the world without any physical contact, fraudsters quickly realized that it is the perfect place for them to operate. Today, online scams are present at every corner. Whether you are receiving phishing emails or being contacted by dodgy individuals through Skype, there are many different ways in which you can fall victim to fraud.
Another common type of fraud are fake websites, such as shopping sites or online casinos that exist only to gather your personal information or take your money with no intention of providing you with the service. If you decide to play online be extra careful and check sites like this one which offers a detailed list of casino sites tested for scams.
Be safe out there and don’t forget the famous Netflix phishing scam that was one of the best examples of how phishing with fake websites works. In the meantime, we have a list of a few basic things you should be doing while online to avoid being victim of a scam.
1. Don’t Accept Strange Files
This one may seem clear enough, but users who are not very tech savvy often fall prey to this very simple type of scam. The scammer will send you an email or a private message on a messaging platform with an attachment. The attachment may be a cute video or a funny meme, but once you download it, you are also downloading a computer virus with it.
In this way, fraudsters are able to install Trojan horses to take control of your device or keyloggers to get your passwords and personal information. Once they have these, they can easily access your private accounts, including banking ones and use your information to rob you of your money or your identity.
The best way to avoid this type of scam is to simply never download anything that is sent to you by unknown senders. If you receive an email from an address you don’t know, do not jump at downloading the files. In fact, just delete the mail altogether.
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2. Install Protective Software
If you are going to use your computer or mobile device to access the internet, you should have some kind of anti-virus software installed on it. Unfortunately, the modern internet is riddled with malicious software that has spread to all corners and if you are using any websites that are not owned by the biggest corporations in the world, you should make sure to protect yourself.
In fact, having an anti-virus software installed on your PC is a good idea even if all you do is check your email and watch YouTube. There is no harm coming your way from it and it could in fact speed up your computer’s performance and make things easier in many ways.
3. Use Trusted Websites
There are hundreds of millions of websites available on the internet but only a handful of them are truly safe. Most domains are owned by small companies or individuals who don’t have the resources to make their websites completely safe. What’s more, there are many websites that were made with phishing and other scams in mind.
If you are looking to stay safe on the internet, you should do your best to use safe and trusted websites as often as possible. Find big websites for things you need that you can trust and use them for your needs as often as possible. Try to avoid using the less known domains unless you have to and if you do use a website, run a quick Google search and try to find out if the site is trustworthy or has a history of being harmful and malicious.
Image Credits: Google Images
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