How Our Fascination With Racial Features Has Affected Plastic Surgery Trends

The popularity of cosmetic plastic surgery has increased drastically over the past 10 years. This is mainly due to the fact that the public...

10 Winter Looks For Different Types & Personalities Of Girls

The ‘I travel a lot’ girl Since you’re always on the go, you must wear clothes that are appropriate for streets, security check-ins, flights and...
Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner Is Back To No Lip Fillers: Should The Anushka Sharmas Of Bollywood...

The power that influential celebrities have over the lives of common people is extraordinary. From eons now, the world has been bananas about the...

In Pics: Here’s How The Fashion Industry Contributes To Climatic Degradation

Fake deaths, protesters glued to the doors - this was London Fashion Week's highlight. These protesters came from a community called the Extinction Rebellion...

Kids Wedding Outfits That Marry Style & Comfort

Let’s face it, wedding and kids don’t always go hand-in-hand. Especially when it’s the ‘big fat Indian’ variety! When wedding functions are long and...

O-LOCKER : India’s leading Jewellery Insure tech start up for jewellery buyers

Mumbai, Maharashtra :  Your jewellery is not only a thing of beauty, but also one of your most valuable assets. Jewellers as well as...

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