The impulsive shopping of the latest trends at our favorite fast-fashion brand comes at a price of environmental and social injustices. Fast fashion might be trendy, inexpensive with readily available clothes but it is harmful to our planet in more than one way.

What Is The Problem With Fast Fashion?

The fast fashion industry follows a highly profitable business model wherein they replicate catwalk trends and high-fashion designs by mass-producing them at low cost.

However, due to the scale of production and the frequency of it, these factories are infamous for inhumane working conditions as well as degrading the local environment. 

Since these factories are usually set up in developing countries like Bangladesh, China and Vietnam, they get away with these unethical practices because of the lack of strict labor and environmental laws in developing countries. 

According to the study published in ‘Environmental Health’, 80 billion pieces of new clothing are purchased globally, which translates into $1.2 trillion annually. This abundance of low-quality clothing has a very short shelf life and it often ends up in landfills within months of its purchase.

Fast Fashion Clothing Often Ends Up In Landfills Within Months Of Its Purchase
Fast Fashion Clothing Often Ends Up In Landfills Within Months Of Its Purchase

Therefore, it is high time we switch to a more sustainable way to manage our clothes. 

One such way is the concept of a capsule wardrobe. 

What Is A Capsule Wardrobe?

The term ‘Capsule Wardrobe’ was first coined by wardrobe consultant and author Susie Faux in the 1970s. It became mainstream when designer Donna Karan created the first capsule collection in 1985 called “Seven Easy Pieces.”

Capsule Wardrobe Was First Coined By Susie Faux
Capsule Wardrobe Was First Coined By Susie Faux

The concept of a capsule wardrobe is to have a minimalist collection of clothing and accessories. Hence, you only buy essential pieces of clothing and accessories that you need and utilize them to their fullest.

Basically, for creating a capsule wardrobe, one can pare down to 37 pieces of clothing and change it seasonally without purchasing any other item for up to 6 months. 

It is all about curating a wardrobe that has all the pieces you want and not about any ongoing trend. You could invest in good quality wardrobe basics like solid colour tank tops and a T-shirt or versatile layering pieces, like, blazers, and overcoats.

You Could Invest In Good Quality Wardrobe Basics
You Could Invest In Good Quality Wardrobe Basics

Read More: Here’s How A Couple From Kerala Built A ‘Forest’ Around Their House To Practice Sustainable Living

How Is A Capsule Wardrobe Environmentally Friendly?

A capsule wardrobe promotes slow fashion as it does not depend on the latest trend in the market. It also reduces the carbon footprint of our clothes as we purchase one good quality item for the long term instead of multiple similar-looking items, with relatively low quality for the short term. 

A capsule wardrobe enables an individual to filter out the distractions caused by changing trends in fast fashion and in this way, avoid the need for impulsive shopping, over-consumption, and fashion waste.

Lastly, it reduces our cost per wear or CPW which is equal to the cost of the item divided by the number of times you wear it. Thus, encouraging you to make smarter purchases.

Capsule Wardrobe Reduces Our Cost Per Wear Or CPW
Capsule Wardrobe Reduces Our Cost Per Wear Or CPW

Hence, making our life more sustainable while also being cost-effective. 

Will you make changes in your shopping pattern and try creating a capsule wardrobe? Let us know in the comment section.

Image Sources: Google Images

Sources: The New York Times, Glamour, ET 

Find The Blogger: @darshanaaac

This post is tagged under: Impulsive buying, Impulsiveness, Latest Trends, Fast Fashion, Brands, Retail Brands, Clothing Brands, Fast Fashion Brands, Fast Fashion Industry, Fashion Industry, Clothing Industry, Environmental Injustices, Social Injustices, Trendy, Inexpensive, Cheap, Readily Available, Ready Made, Ready Made Clothing, Fast Fashion Is Harmful For The Planet, Fast Fashion Is Harmful For The Environment, Fast Fashion Is Harmful For The Earth, Business Model, What Is The Problem Of Fast Fashion, Problems Of Fast Fashion, Fast Fashion Drawbacks, Cons Of Fast Fashion, Why Is Fast Fashion Bad, Replicating Catwalk Trends And High-Fashion Designs By Mass-Producing Them At Low Cost, Catwalk Trends, High-Fashion Designs, Inhumane Working Conditions, Environmental Degradation, Factories Set Up In Developing Countries, Developing Countries, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Get Away With Unethical Practices, Lack Of Strict Labour Laws, Lack Of Strict Environmental Laws, Unethical Practices, Hazardous Working Environment, Environmental Health, 80 Billion Pieces Of New Clothing Are Purchased Globally With $1.2 Trillion Annually, Low-Quality Clothing Has A Very Short Shelf Life, Landfills, Ends Up In A Landfill, Sustainable Way To Manage Clothes, Capsule Wardrobe, Susie Faux, Term Coined By Susie Faux, Capsule Wardrobe Term Coined By Susie Faux, 1970s, 1985, Donna Karan, First Capsule Collection, First Capsule Collection Called Seven Easy Pieces, Seven Easy Pieces By Donna Karan, Minimalist Collection Of Clothing And Accessories, Clothing, Accessories, Minimalist Collection, Minimalism, Minimalistic, Buying Only Essential Items, Pare Down To 37 Pieces Of Clothing, Invest In Good Quality Items, Invest In Quality Product, Staples, Basics, Wardrobe Basics, Layering Pieces, Overcoat, Blazer, Slow Fashion, Capsule Wardrobe Promotes Slow Fashion, Reducing The Carbon Footprint, Carbon Footprint, What Is Carbon Footprint, Investing In Clothes With Long Shelf Life, Carefully Curating Our Style, Filter Out Distraction, Cost Per Wear, CPW, What Is CPW, What Is Cost Per Wear, CPW Is The Cost Of The Item Divided By The Number Of Times You Wear It, Cost Per Wear Is The Cost Of The Item Divided By The Number Of Times You Wear It, Make Smart Choices, How Is A Capsule Wardrobe Environmentally Friendly?, What Is Slow Fashion?, What Are The Ways To Manage Clothes Sustainably?, How To Be More Environmental Friendly? How To Be More Sustainable? Sustainable Lifestyle

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