Watch: Sports Stars Who Tested Positive For The Coronavirus

Find out who were the stars affected!


The coronavirus has put a halt on human lives. It has forced governments of various countries to enforce a lockdown. The halt was abrupt and affected the sports industry direly. Titles were not awarded, teams were kept hanging and players were… well, they were ill. Its easier for them to contract the virus as they meet fans and travel all the time.

And thus, even after suspending all the sports competitions, players were diagnosed with the coronavirus. Football had the most number of players diagnosed, where, in one case, the whole team was quarantined.

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Find out who were the sportspersons who tested positive for the coronavirus, in the video below.

Sports Stars Who Tested Positive For The Coronavirus


Human beings are the only creatures on the planet who are bestowed with the power to judge. Once in a while, we are reminded of this fact. Not that we look forward to it, as it is usually harsh. It may be in the form of fires, earthquakes, floods or some viral disease – like a pandemic.
We are amidst one such fact realization lesson now. A virus that doesn’t discriminate and doesn’t see gender, race, caste, religion, or anything for that matter.
Sports players are usually paid handsomely. They don’t save lives, and we can’t expect them to, as their job is to entertain. However, what we can do, is appreciate the people who save our lives a bit more. Be more kind to them, value them a bit more. Because in the end, its about life over everything else.
The time has come, the time to set our priorities straight.

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: The Week, Sportstar, News18

Find the Blogger @ShreyashDhumal3

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