Friday, January 10, 2025
assamese tradition

An Assamese Tradition Celebrates Girls’ First Period Just Like A Small Wedding

Dear girls, do you remember your first period? Perhaps you can vaguely recall how you whispered into your mom’s ear and then she handed...
Funeral Traditions from South Asia

Watch: Peculiar Ancient Funeral Traditions From South Asia

Mors Vincit Omnia. Sounds poetic like it could be part of your next Instagram bio, right? Well, it is a Latin phrase that translates...
assamese tradition

एक छोटी सी शादी की तरह एक असमिया परंपरा लड़कियों के पहले माहवारी का...

प्रिय लड़कियों, क्या आपको अपना पहला पीरियड याद है? शायद आप अस्पष्ट रूप से याद कर सकते हैं कि कैसे आपने अपनी माँ के...

In Manipur, These Women Have Kicked Out All The Men And There Is Nothing...

Manipuri women have something to tell everyone. The North-east is still a neglected region of the country - it is because of this ignorance, there...
breast tax

This Woman From Kerala Cut Off Her Own Breasts In Protest Against Breast Tax...

Every state in India is home to traditions that are a dark part of their own history, and relatively unknown to the rest of...
Jokes On Sardars

Here’s Why I Hate It When People Make Jokes On Sardars

It's 2022 and Santa-Banta jokes still make people laugh. The cringe-worthy WhatsApp forwards, the badly edited troll pics and the preposterous idea of "12...
Doms of Benaras

The Doms Of Benaras Are Dalits Who Burn Around 200 Bodies Everyday As Their...

In the movie Masaan, Vicky Kaushal plays the role of a boy who keeps aspirations in a constrained society. He belonged to the Dom...
Religion fanatics

Breakfast Babble: Here’s Why I Hate It When Fanatics Of Any Religion Try To...

Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge...
Ukrainian Doctor

David Beckham Lending His Insta To Ukrainian Doctor Shows Horrors Of War

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is still ongoing, thousands and lakhs of innocent people are going through a lot of suffering and in a...
Ukrainian Doctor

डेविड बेकहम ने यूक्रेनी डॉक्टर को अपना इंस्टा उधार जो दिया युद्ध की भयावहता...

यूक्रेन पर रूसी आक्रमण अभी भी जारी है, हजारों और लाखों निर्दोष लोग बहुत पीड़ा से गुजर रहे हैं और जो हो रहा है...
Russian Protesters

Emojis, Code Words: How Are Russian Protesters Evading Arrest And Censorship?

Ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started almost three weeks ago, several hundred and thousands of Russians themselves have been protesting against the...
acid sale

Should Sale Of Acid Be Banned In India? Our Bloggers Fight It Out On...

FlippED is An ED Original Style wherein two bloggers come together to share their opposing or orthogonal perspectives on an interesting subject. Acid attacks continue...
violence cities

Watch: Some Of The Most Violence Filled Cities In India

India might be the fastest growing economy in the world but when it comes to the safety and security of its citizens, we're lagging...

Watch: 8 Facts About The Pride Movement That One Should Definitely Know!

There has been much awareness about the LGBTQ+ community recently and for good reasons. If you were not to live under a rock, you...

Why I Hate When People Make Stereotypical Jokes On Marwaris

One thing that I really dislike about humans is their capability to make a joke out of anything, anybody, and anytime, anywhere. Same jokes...
marital rape

“Once Married, All Women’s Duty Is To Oblige With Physical Needs”: A Lesson I...

Guess what happened when I tried to mess with the patriarchal idiots and their fragile masculinity? The Pandora’s Box of misogyny, sexism, hatred, ignorance...
air india ceo offer

इस पर अटकलें क्यों तुर्की इलकर आईसी ने टाटा द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित एयर इंडिया सीईओ...

एयर इंडिया हमारे देश की सबसे पुरानी एयरलाइन कंपनी है। कभी सरकार के स्वामित्व में, अब इसका स्वामित्व टाटा समूह के पास है। एयर...
Progression And Regression

We’re Moving In Extreme Directions Of Progression And Regression At The Same Time And...

Progression and regression within the society are 2 phenomenons which are supposed to be inversely proportional and mutually exclusive in an ideal scenario but...
surrogate advertising

Let’s Talk About The Benefits Of Surrogate Advertising Of Alcohol In India

The Cable TV Networks Regulation Act 1995 provides that, "No advertisement shall be permitted which promotes directly or indirectly production, sale or consumption of...

Watch: Meet Kayamkulam Kochunni – India’s Own Legendary Robinhood

Rogue, womanizer, bandit, outlaw; these are some of the words used to describe one of Kerala’s legendary heroes, the thief who went by the...
Russian Tank Crushing Car

रूसी टैंक का ड्राइवर के साथ एक कार को कुचलने का वीडियो डरा देता...

यूक्रेन पर रूसी युद्ध अभी भी चल रहा है, और पूरी दुनिया इसे समाप्त करने और इसे एक ऐसे चरण तक बढ़ने से रोकने...

फ्लिप्ड: भारतीय टीवी सीरियल पागलपन हैं या उचित?

फ्लिप्ड एक ईडी मूल शैली है जिसमें दो ब्लॉगर एक दिलचस्प विषय पर अपने विरोधी या ऑर्थोगोनल दृष्टिकोण साझा करने के लिए एक साथ...

This Was The Simpsons’ Exact Prediction Of The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

The American animated show 'The Simpsons' is famous for many things, one of them being extremely accurate about future events. In all its years...

यह यूक्रेन के रूसी आक्रमण की सिम्पसंस की सटीक भविष्यवाणी थी

अमेरिकी एनिमेटेड शो 'द सिम्पसन्स' कई चीजों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, उनमें से एक भविष्य की घटनाओं के बारे में बेहद सटीक है। चलने...

Watch: Do You Know Enough About The Dacoits In India?

India has had a long history of crime, but there hasn't been anything like this before. The word "dacoit" itself has Indian roots. It...