Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Term ‘Food Delivery BOYS’ Is About To Change With More Women Coming Into...

Gone are the days when food delivery was a men only job environment. These days a lot of women are seen delivering food to...
nth room case

What Is The ‘Nth Room’ Case Of South Korea Where 70+ Women, Including Minors,...

In the midst of the coronavirus scare, South Korea is dealing with a massive sexual abuse scandal, called the 'Nth Room' case.  In a horrifying...

Armaan Malik, The Instagram Star Breaking The Law After Marrying Two Women (He Is...

Indian laws are strict when it comes to personal matters. Indian laws are only limited to civil and criminal laws in terms of uniformity....

When Parsis Are No Longer Being Eaten By Vultures On Expiry, How Do They...

Disclaimer: Originally published in April 2017. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today.  We all know that Parsis do...

Myntra Logo Changed After The Complaint, Says It Looks Like A “Naked Woman”

Myntra, India’s mega fashion e-commerce site has changed its iconic logo. And you know why? Because someone out there found it vulgar, alleging that...
Burari Suicide Case

In Pics: Scary Details From The Secret Diaries Which Instigated The Burari Family To...

The Burari Suicide Case, which involves the alleged mass suicide of 11 members of a family has taken another shocking turn, where diary entries...
castes in pakistan

Pakistan’s Caste System Is Scarier Than India’s

To begin with, I really did not know anything about how caste system functioned in Pakistan until I read a blog by Aakar Patel in the...
chicken pox

11 Days Of Chicken Pox Taught Me About Hindu Goddess Of Pox (Seriously)

By Shivansh Gupta I recently recovered from 11 days of an encounter with chicken pox. 11 days of being bed ridden, detached and resisting the temptation...

Read About This Indian Custom Of Throwing Babies Off Buildings For Luck

India is home to plenty of strange traditions- not surprising, considering that it is a land where religion and superstition go almost hand-in-hand. From harmless...
Armin Goddess Kali

2 Men Sexualize Indian Goddess And Dead Mother, Get Called Out For Insensitivity

Social media is a complicated place. It was introduced to bring people closer, but we hardly see that happening anymore. Every other day, a...
Pornhub Delete unverified videos

Why Did Pornhub Delete More Than 10 Million Videos Off Its Site?

In an unprecedented move, Pornhub, the popular pornography website, has deleted more than 10 million videos that were posted on its site. It is said...

ED VoxPop: What Indian Conservative Men Should Take Away From BTS?

ED VoxPop is where we ask people different survey questions and get responses to conduct sort of a poll of our own. The worldwide phenomena...

Violent Clashes Between Advocates And Policemen In Tis Hazari District Court, Advocates Call For...

Lawyers and policemen are the two very important pillars on which the Indian democracy stands, especially the judicial system and they are the ones...
raja ravi varma

Was Painter Raja Ravi Varma A Voyeur/Pervert Or Was He Simply Ahead Of His...

Raja Ravi Varma is perhaps one of the most widely known Indian painters, and while his nude paintings are the biggest pull factor, it...

The Tragic Story Of Love Between Priyanka Todi, Lux Innerwear Heiress and Her Muslim...

We’ve all heard charming stories of a rich man marrying a fair maiden, fairly poor than him and we’ve also read stories where the...

Despite Millions In Reserve, Why Does Wikipedia Keep Asking For Donations?

Wikipedia has stood by your side every time you scrambled to finish last-minute assignments, every time you needed proof to win an argument and...

College Girls Found In High End Prostitution And Escort Services In Delhi-Mumbai

Escort services in layman terms refers to sexual and non-sexual services provided by young men and women. These services are generally provided for high-class men...
marital rape

“Once Married, All Women’s Duty Is To Oblige With Physical Needs”: A Lesson I...

Guess what happened when I tried to mess with the patriarchal idiots and their fragile masculinity? The Pandora’s Box of misogyny, sexism, hatred, ignorance...
sajid khan metoo

More Than 3 Female Actors Share Horrifying Harvey Weinstein Like Accusations On Sajid Khan

The #MeToo movement spread like wildfire back in 2018 in the Indian sector. All of a sudden it seemed, women, and some men too,...

Here’s Why Rajendra Singh Is Called Waterman Of India

Water is the elixir of life. It sustains the growth and development of various organisms. Without it, life on Earth would have been impossible. If...
hitler's family

What Happened To Hitler’s Family After World War II?

Hitler was and remains to be, one of the most hated man on this planet Earth. Unless of course, as per recent events and...

Watch: 5 Historically Important Pictures That Left A Mark On Humankind

Sometimes, cameras capture images that attack the conscience of mankind. Some of these images leave a long-lasting impact on human life and civilization. There was...

“Sushant Began Hearing Voices…Rhea Got Frightened & Left”, Writer Suhrita Sengupta Makes Revelations About...

The demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput has left the entire film industry and his fans surprised, heartbroken, and mournful. The Kai Po Che actor...

Women Letting Men Grope Their Breasts : The Fine Line Between Expression Of Sexuality...

The Running of The Bulls festival began with its "Chupinazo" on the first day on 6th July in Spain. With revellers going crazy and...

The Pioneer Of IVF In India Who Was Rewarded With Suicide: Subhash Mukhopadhyay

Subhash Mukhopadhyay was a physician from West Bengal, India, who was the creator of  India's first and second for the world, a child using...