Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeLifestyleFlexPro Meals Streamlines Customer Service & Implements New Shipping Methods to Ensure...

FlexPro Meals Streamlines Customer Service & Implements New Shipping Methods to Ensure Meal Freshness


If humans had all the time and energy in the world, then preparing healthy meals on a daily basis would be a cinch. But let’s face it. We don’t have unlimited time and energy. And with those limitations come the temptation to pick up whatever’s fast and easy. Typically things hidden with large sums of calories, sugars, and salt (but it sure does taste good). But does it really need to be this way? Not according to FlexPro Meals, a company founded on the idea that meals can be both convenient and  nutritious.

A core feature of FlexPro’s accessible healthy foods is its expedited shipping. First, customers go onto FlexPro’s website to select meals (either in regular or large) for the week. And with options from Steak & Potatoes to Penne Bolognese, there’s something for any eater on any diet: even the prohibitively strict Keto diet!

 Once selected, meals are prepared on-site at FlexPro’s facility in Kansas City, Missouri before being flash frozen and shipped either the same day or the next-day to customers. As with any business, FlexPro continually experiments with the best methods for delivering its products. Its most recent change has involved not only changes to its customer interaction through streamlined communication avenues, but with changes to the packages themselves.

Each FlexPro package contains customers’ meals for the week. To make it easy to organize, each individualized meal is labeled with cardboard showing that meal’s ingredients, calories, grams of protein, and carbohydrates.

Depending on whether the package is regular or large, meals only need a quick two to three minute microwave before being ready for consumption. Each recipe has been tested to ensure that it not only meets dietary requirements, but tastes great as well. To ensure that each meal retains its freshness by remaining frozen, FlexPro has experimented with how to keep the overall package frozen as well.

Each of the individualized frozen meals is contained in a large single cardboard container. Enveloping the box itself is a large insulated bag, further filled with frozen Nordic Ice gel packs.

Prior to gel packs, FlexPro had been implementing dry ice. However, FlexPro, ever adaptable, eventually opted to switch to gel packs in order to be more environmentally friendly. Thus with each delivery, customers not only get all the food they’ll need for a week, but reusable ice packs they can use for other needs such as use in coolers, first aid requiring ice packets, or even just to cool down. Turns out flexibility isn’t just a feature for customers when it comes to FlexPro Meals: it’s a core part of the company itself.

(Syndicated press content is neither written, edited or endorsed by ED Times)

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