HomeTravelYour Rupee Now Goes Further: Tips To Enjoy London Without Burning A...

Your Rupee Now Goes Further: Tips To Enjoy London Without Burning A Hole In Your Pocket


 London, this winter, because why not?!

Having visited London, I do believe I can vouch for the fact that there is just some another feel to being there. A feeling that you cannot necessarily get anywhere else, not US, not Australia not even any other part of Europe, only London can give you that.

London in itself amasses an entire country’s worth of treasures, from the height of royalty that is the Buckingham Palace to high end luxury areas to the small nooks and crannies that you would only get to know about from the locals, you can perhaps find almost everything in this one place.

Having a relative living there and several friends too, for the past couple of days I have been bombarded with photographs of beautifully lit streets showing the Christmas cheer and to be completely honest, for a minute I can almost imagine that I myself am standing there, in the middle of this winter wonderland.

Now, you all might be thinking I am crazy and why would I be talking of London, supposedly the most expensive place.

But wait a minute my friends, because London just got a whole lot lighter on the pocket. The recent exchange rate gains, wherein 1 GBP went from a full 100 rupees down to almost 82 rupees, and the holiday season means that making a trip to London is much closer to being a reality than a faraway dream.

You all know of the popular destinations in London, however let me provide you all with some pretty nifty and practical tips on how to enjoy London during Christmas and New Year time and not go bankrupt at the same time:

1. Pick The Right Airline:

There are a number of various airlines that exist in today’s time, but the trick is picking the right one at the right time. A lot of airlines are giving heavy discounts or holiday packages these days, like British Airways have not just slashed prices on flights, but also offer exclusive promotional incentives to their customers.

This makes sure that you get a lot for the price of one.

British Airways


2. Pick A BnB Instead Of A Hotel:

Where a hotel usually costs more due to the central locations and heavy traffic, bed and breakfast or small boutique hotels are much more worth it while not burning a hole into your pocket.

Not only that, but what I mentioned earlier, about the nooks and crannies? Well, these small BnBs are mostly run by locals who have been living there for years, sometimes generations and can probably give you much better information on which places to go to in order to get the best London experience.

Aahh… There Is Just Something Else About Staying In A Charming B&B Right?


3. Make A List For Sightseeing Beforehand:

Alright, maybe this one sounds a little boring however, I do believe that making a list of places that you want to see beforehand can be a very good thing to do.

One it will prevent, you from getting overwhelmed by the many things that London offers, and two it will make you less susceptible to scamming travel guides who are looking for naïve tourists in order to earn a quick buck.

Not saying you have to follow that list to the T, but that list might just make it easier for you to navigate the city and later on you can easily add and delete areas from that as per your convenience.

Something Like This Or You Can Just Follow This Too, If Lazy


4. Christmas and New Year Fireworks By River Thames:

You absolutely cannot miss the Christmas and New Year’s fireworks that happen by the London Eye if you go to London. And the best place to witness them from is by the river Thames.

If you have cash to spare, I’d suggest getting on a ferry and you will get a 360 degree experience.

However no worries if you cannot do that. Just across the bank there is a lot of space where you can see the fireworks perfectly fine.

Just a little tip would be to reach well before time, because the area can be a little crowded near to the starting of the fireworks.

You Don’t Want To Miss This Spectacular View, Do You?


5. Thrift Shopping and Sale Lookout:

The holiday season means a lot of sales, which in turn means that you can even shop from some well known brands without feeling guilty.

But the best way to save money and still get some nice mementos for your trip would be to go to thrift shops.

Being Indians, we are well versed with shifting through mounds of items in order to get the perfect one.

And over there, you never know when you might stumble upon a rare historical piece that has been tucked away for who knows how many years.

Southbank Centre Christmas Market

So that was it, a few practical and easy to put into action tips that can make your trip to London that much more enjoyable. Do add in any more comments or tips that you yourself can be of use.

Image Credits: Google Images

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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