Your Chance To Make A Difference With Enactus & Project Akshar: College Leaders Program


A social outreach project under Enactus SSCBS, Project Akshar has made social impact in more ways than one can imagine. Centered on creating eco-friendly notebooks using waste paper, the project has not only bettered the educational resources available to the financially depressed but has substantially improved the living standards of some of the marginalized communities.

Having one of the most comprehensive models in the country, Project Akshar has in its spectrum the  physically challenged and victims of drug abuse as their entrepreneurs, who produce their own line of notebooks from waste paper  collected from corporate, educational institutes and RWAs.

But the question remains, whether to merely witness a change or to be a part of the ripple? Answer to which changes the complete perception of things.

And hence we bring back to you the College Leaders Program (CLP), an opportunity to associate with Enactus SSCBS and Project Akshar and spread the true essence of altruism.

With the grand success of CLP phase V, CLP phase VI is bigger and better. This year the selected colleges will not only learn marketing skills but will also get first hand corporate exposure. Alongside well defined operational, sales and supervisory roles; selected few are in for some massive skill development, in the shortest possible time.

Hence we invite you to become the catalyst of initiative in your own college and be a part of the Enactus effect.     

This is your chance to join Phase VI of the CLP.

Join now to make a difference.

Visit the following link to apply:

For further details on the tasks ahead visit:

For any queries contact

Akash Mundeja: 9873569151
Jai Nalwa: 8860507373

Applications close at 11:59 PM, 11th October, 2014.

To know more about the project and the details of the College Leaders Program check out their Facebook page:

ED is proud to be their Blogging Partner. 



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