Watch How Seven Villages In India Are Dependent On Chinese Food For Survival

Literally living on Chinese mercy!


Disclaimer: Originally published in November 2018. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today. 

There are 400 families in the Byas valley of Dharchula, Uttarakhand who are forced to procure basic necessities like salt, cooking oil, rice, and wheat as the State Government fails to increase the quota of ration under the Public Distribution System (PDS).

This is what Krishna Garbyal, one of the residents of Garbyang village has to say about the residents being forced to buy essentials from China,

We are living as orphans in our own country although we are situated in an important border area with two neighboring countries. The government should consider our demand for extra ration sympathetically.

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Look at the reasons the villagers have been forced to purchase daily goods from Tinkar and Changru villages of Nepal whose residents source the resources from Taklakot bazaar in China through this video.

Seven Villages In India That Thrive On Chinese Food


Image Credits: Google Images

Source: The Times of India, Indiatimes

Find the blogger at: @dhar_aatreyee

Disclaimer: We do not hold any right, copyright over any of the images used, these have been taken from Google. In case of credits or removal, the owner may kindly mail us.

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