Watch: How Cats Can Increase Our Life Span


Feline lovers all over the world would love to cuddle with a furry cat at home. Cats are fluffy, have an elegant personality, and offer us a heartwarming feeling whenever they curl up into a ball and laze around on our bed or sofa. What’s more, they can also increase our life span in significant ways.

From causing a soothing effect on your nerves to preventing certain health problems, these graceful creatures can help you in indirect ways. Muriel Spark writes in ‘A Far Cry From Kensington’, “the tranquility of the cat will gradually come to affect you so that all the excitable qualities that impede your concentration compose themselves and give your mind back the self-command it has lost.”

Read More: Why Do Cats Often Sit/Sleep On Laptops That Result In All These Funny Memes?

Cat cafes have mushroomed across cities, where feline enthusiasts can pet or stroke a furry cat while sipping on a refreshing drink. Also, research has shown that even watching cat videos all day (which most of us do to procrastinate) can bring a good emotional pay-off that helps tackle tough tasks later.

How Cats Can Increase Our Life Span

Felines may seem moody or not paying attention to your efforts, but they contribute greatly to keeping our mental and physical health soaring. So in honor of these furry friends, check out these little-known scientific facts about how cats can increase our lifespan.

Disclaimer: This article is fact-checked

Sources: Healthline, Medical News Today, Goodnet

Image sources: Google Images

Find The Blogger: shoomedha

This post is tagged under: cats, cats and humans, cats habits explained, cats sleeping on laptops, cats with humans, #good health, #WorldMentalHealthDay #PeopleWithDisabilities #, importance of mental health, mental health, importance of sleep

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