Thursday, June 6, 2024

OPPO N1: a must buy or not?

Technology that we take for granted has fundamentally changed the way we live. And that’s the way it should be. Technology should innovate and...

Dunnhumby Hackathon: An event of retail data analysis

Retail analytics firm, dunnhumby, hosted its first Hackathon in India  Dunnhumby hosted its first Hackathon in India for students and professionals who are passionate about...

Nokia X – ‘The new Guy in tech town’

By Akshay Arora “An Android phone from Nokia may well have been the best smart phone the world never got to see”.  In an article...

2048: New Entry in Addictive Gaming

By Nishant Agarwal A new game by the name of “2048” has been making waves in the addictive gaming arena since its launch earlier this month....

The Monty Hall Problem. Probability is that you will win.

The Monty Hall Problem is a very challenging and interesting problem. It basically was a game show titled,”Let’s Make a Deal” ,hosted by Monty...

Cortana- A windows based solution for all our problems.

Have you ever imagined how it would be when your favorite character from the most desired game of yours comes alive to assist you...

Gravity Light: The Teeny tiny generator!

By Nikita Recall all the renewable energy forms you know: solar, wind, geothermal - now there's a new renewable energy source to add to that...

Gaga Over Green

By Pranali Batra     Going green is more than just a phrase. While the world is reiterating the importance of environment conservation and trying to implement...

2014’s Most Wanted Games

  By Aman Sardana No Man's Sky (Hello Games; release and platform TBC) No Man's Sky comes from Guildford and promises us the universe. This intriguing science fiction explorer, made...

7 Health Benefits of playing Video Games

  By Aman Sardana Your parents may have tried to kick you off your Super Nintendo/Xbox/PlayStation just about every time you sat down in front of...

What to expect in 2014?

By- Suhani Gupta As we’re already into the second month of 2014, here’s giving you a glimpse of the technological inventions likely to come your way,...

Steve Jobs: Thief Or Innovator?

By Anusha Gupta, “Good artists copy, great artists steal” One of the greatest CEO of all times replied quoting Picasso, when he was accused of...

Satya Nadella: Microsoft’s very new ruler

By Aakriti Chowdhary Enthroned as the new CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, 46, successfully climbs up the ladder of success. A company veteran, Nadella, born...

Google playing it smartly

By Lakshay Kumar Chowdhury If you buy something for $12.5 and sell it for $2.91, you don’t really come across as an astute person. But when...


By Samiksha Agarwal Social networking has been the buzz word for the past few years with Facebook and Twitter leading the way.  But, lately, people have...

If The Keyboard Could Talk

By Sonali Wadhwa Yes, yes ! You read it right !! Quite a mindboggling and thought-provoking heading ! Isn’t it ? A very famous quote says that actions...

Marveling the Media Mayhem

By Pranali Batra ‘Constant vigilance’ is the ideal catchphrase to describe the media today. Like a bloodhound true to its scent, the media is forever...

Triiing..Triiing..Competitor Calling

  By Nikita Rana From giant bricks to feature phones to touch screens… cell phone industry have always had something new and exciting for humans... And...

Time for the indigenous companies to make it large

By Sahil Diwan There was a time when people associated mobile phone startups with Chinese companies, the ones supplying the market with duplicate, one-time use...

Smartwatches: Best of 2013

By Rohan Ramaswamy A Smartwatch is exactly what the title says. It provides the basic functions of a smartphone, on a watch. A basic Smartwatch...

Apple skinning/swindling Indians?

By Amartya Prasad How many of you have visited an apple store hoping to buy that iphone or Macbook only to return home disappointed when...

Safetipin: An IT tool for women’s safety

By Nidhi Taneja Today almost every individual wants to project a tech savvy image of his/her self. They aspire to own a smart phone which...

Various Chat Messengers

By Mallika Sarna In a world where nothing remains constant, Everything seems to change in a blink of an eye. Similarly Technology is a dimension...

Technologies Of The Future: Cyborgs

By Aditya Khanduri What if I told you I am sure you saw at least one cyborg today? Or that there are very high chances...

Leap Motion

By Rohan Ramaswamy When Leap Motion initially featured on Kickstarter. It managed to reach its goal in an alarmingly short amount of time. Their...

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