ब्रेकफास्ट बैबल: समानांतर ब्रह्मांड का विचार मुझे इतना उत्साहित क्यों करता है
ब्रेकफास्ट बैबल ईडी का अपना छोटा सा स्थान है जहां हम विचारों पर चर्चा करने के लिए इकट्ठा होते हैं। हम चीजों को भी...
Nostradamus Predictions For 2024 & Which Ones Came True For 2023
Nostradamus, a famed 16th-century French astrologer and seer, continues to intrigue the world with his cryptic writings known as Les Propheties.
His enigmatic quatrains...
10th Nation To Do: All About India’s First Winter Expedition To The Arctic
India is achieving milestones in scientific progress. From rocketing to the moon and the sun to diving deep into the oceans, it is now...
Back In Time: 286 Years Today Calcutta Earthquake Killed 3 Lakh People, Devastating Half...
Back in Time is ED’s newspaper-like column that reports an incident from the past as though it has happened just yesterday. It allows the...
Australian Woman Gets Surgery For Depression In Mumbai: What Is That
In the realm of neuroscience, the human brain continues to be an enigma waiting to be deciphered. Over the years, researchers and medical professionals...
Is Climate Change Making The Human Brain Shrink?
The human brain is constantly evolving and changes throughout the duration of one’s lifetime. The increase or decrease in its size is normal and...
ऑस्ट्रेलियाई महिला ने मुंबई में डिप्रेशन के लिए सर्जरी करवाई: वह क्या है
तंत्रिका विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में, मानव मस्तिष्क अभी भी एक पहेली बना हुआ है जिसे समझने का इंतज़ार किया जा रहा है। वर्षों से,...
क्या जलवायु परिवर्तन से मानव मस्तिष्क सिकुड़ रहा है?
मानव मस्तिष्क लगातार विकसित हो रहा है और व्यक्ति के पूरे जीवनकाल में बदलता रहता है। इसके आकार में वृद्धि या कमी सामान्य है...
टाइटैनिक दुर्घटना के पीड़ित की पत्नी ने दुखद अंतिम क्षण साझा किए, “तंग कमरों...
टाइटैनिक पनडुब्बी की दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण यात्रा में यात्रियों के अंतिम क्षणों के बारे में दिल दहला देने वाले तथ्य सामने आए हैं।
न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स के मुताबिक,...
Here’s Why You Need To Know About Urban Heat Islands
As our cities expand and skyscrapers dominate the skyline, a curious phenomenon emerges: the urban heat island. Step foot into a bustling metropolis, and...
आपको अर्बन हीट आइलैंड्स के बारे में जानने की आवश्यकता क्यों है
जैसे-जैसे हमारे शहरों का विस्तार होता है और गगनचुंबी इमारतें आसमान पर हावी हो जाती हैं, एक जिज्ञासु घटना सामने आती है: अर्बन हीट...
March 2023 COVID Cases Spike In India: Everything You Need To Know
India is witnessing exponential growth in COVID-19 cases recently. With the data accessed on Thursday, India has a 40% increase in the caseload. India...
Bird Flu Cases On The Rise Again In India: Here’s What’s Happening
It has not been very long since the rapidly increasing coronavirus cases halted a little and we set off in the normal course of...
World’s Top 50 Regions Facing Climate Risk Include UP, Bihar
According to a new report, nine states in India stand among the world's top 50 regions at risk of damage to the built environment...
Watch: Facts You May Have Skipped About The Turkey Earthquake
A massive earthquake that slammed south-eastern Turkey, near the Syrian border, killed tens of thousands of people and injured tens of thousands more.
Also Watch:...
In Pics: 7 Most Celebrated, Brilliant-Minded People Who Were Victims Of Schizophrenia
Experts have often established a strange theory about how "talent" and "insanity" are sometimes interconnected; as Aristotle said, “No great mind has ever existed...
Wildfires And Heatwaves In The Polar Regions, A Matter Of Concern
Global warming is slowly but swiftly changing the Arctic and Antarctica by causing heatwaves, wildfires, and melting permafrost. The abode of snow, penguins, and...
How Dangerous Is The COVID Variant ‘BF.7’ Found In India That Is Behind The...
For the past few months, the news of surges in COVID cases in China have been doing the rounds. China's intense policies, people protesting...
Why This Sudden Rise Of Heart Attacks Amongst Indian Youth: Viral Video Of Youngsters...
Disclaimer: Content warning for people collapsing and heart attacks.
There is a recent phenomenon going on, where an increase in heart attacks among Indians, especially...
क्यों अक्टूबर 1582 में दस दिन कभी अस्तित्व में नहीं थे
हमने जितनी भी टाइम मशीन फिल्में देखी हैं, उन्होंने हमें यह समझाने की पूरी कोशिश की है कि समय को धोखा देना संभव है।...
इस सीरीज को किसी भी क्रम में देखा जा सकता है और हर बार...
"कैलिडोस्कोप" शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ एक ऐसे ऑप्टिकल उपकरण से है जिसमें दर्पण होते हैं जो बदलते ज्यामितीय पैटर्न में टिंटेड ग्लास के अनगिनत...
Twitter Thread Reveals Female Reproductive Organs Are Named After Men
On the occasion of International Men’s Day, the Vagina Museum used a unique way to celebrate the day. They took to Twitter to post...
What Is This Most Expensive Material On Earth Whose 1gm Costs Rs. 5,000 billion
The Earth is a very expensive place when you start to get down to the bits and pieces that make it. To put a...
What Is Climate Anxiety And Why Does It Matter
Tempratures are rising all over the world, forest fires are constantly occuring, floods, untimely rains and more the environment is constantly in a state...
Study Reveals Deep Stains Of Pandemic Stress On Women’s Period Cycles
A study has revealed that the impact of stress related to pandemic life have taken a toll on women's period cycles. Women have been...