Pakistan PM Imran Khan wants Pakistanis to stand in solidarity with India-occupied-Kashmir’s residents for 30 minutes every week starting August 30.
In a series of tweets, the PM encouraged Pakistani citizens to stand for half an hour at noon to express their support for Kashmiris post India’s decision to abrogate Article 370 which revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

He also stated that Pakistan stands against “Indian fascist oppression” and “the ethnic cleansing agenda of the Modi government.”
Little did we know that when PM Imran Khan said that Pakistan stood with Kashmir, he meant it literally!
PM Imran Khan’s outstanding move is supposedly a display of his true commitment to J&K.
In this brief interval, the anthems of Pakistan and Kashmir will be played along with the citizens collectively reciting prayers for Kashmiris in IOK.
Also Read: Why Is Pakistan So Poor After All?
In his address to the Pakistani public, the PM also disclosed his plans to hold weekly events to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Kashmir.
This comes right after the UNSC meeting held earlier this month where Pakistan was slammed by Indian UN Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin for “trying to project an alarmist approach to the situation” and “passing off national statements as the will of the international community.”
The PM also intends to raise the issue of Kashmir on every international forum, including the UN General Assembly which is set to take place in September, despite having failed previously to garner international support.
Pakistan’s feeble attempts at setting off a media frenzy are clear as day. With its scaremongering approach to the situation in Kashmir, Pakistan hardly makes for a convincing case.
What does this power move by Imran Khan achieve? Ask me not.
The decision to halt the Pakistani economy entirely for thirty minutes every week, especially considering the dire state it’s already in, is probably not the smartest idea.
While it is a nostalgic reminder of stand up-sit down games our teachers made us play back in school, I don’t think it achieves much other than a few headlines and a case of varicose veins.
Who knew Pakistan would be into comedy so much that they’d all perform stand-up together?
Image Credits: Google Images
Sources: Gulf News, DNA, India Today
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