Breakfast Babble: ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up for the day. We judge things too. Sometimes. Always. Whatever, call it catharsis and join in people.

It doesn’t take me much time to get attached to the films I enjoy watching. And it’s probably this attachment that makes me so uncomfortable to even think about the idea of movie remakes.

Don’t get me wrong, some movie remakes leave you spell-bound, wishing for more. But most of the time, what come through the screen as a ‘retelling’ is nothing but intolerable nonsense!

So here goes, why I just hate the idea of movie remakes!

The Essence Of The Original

When I watched Chandramukhi and Bhool Bhulaiyaa, the Tamil and Hindi remakes of the Malayalam classic Manichitrathazhu, it really pained my heart; and I’m not even exaggerating.

Manichitrathazhu, Chandramukhi and Bhool Bhulaiyaa

Far from being thought-provoking thrillers, both those films turned out to be complete snooze fests, with nothing but an overload of cringe to chew on. Oh did I even mention ‘Flying Rajinikanth‘?

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Chandramukhi’s Flying Rajinikanth v/s Manichitrathazhu’s Laws-of-Gravity obeying Mohanlal

See, I understand, a movie remake is a great way for a story to reach out to wide and diverse crowds. But that doesn’t give filmmakers the right to butcher the content of masterpieces to suit their liking.

Variations In Culture

Just imagine Gully Boy’s Murad grooving to ‘Mere Gully Mein,’ in any other place other than Dharavi. Sounds weird right?

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Imagine this scene set in a place that’s not Dharavi

This is why some movies are just made for the enjoyment of people of one region or one culture alone. The jokes, the atmosphere, the quirks and even the songs are just theirs and are best left as such.

Also Read: Breakfast Babble: I Don’t Like Being Judged For Watching ‘The Office’ For The Fifth Time Instead Of A Depressing Drama

It’s All About The Money

Whenever a movie from a particular region does exponentially well, it becomes the next big jackpot for producers elsewhere.

This is why the Malayalam movie Premam was almost immediately remade into Telugu. I mean did the makers even see the original?

Malayalam and Telugu versions of Premam

Ironically, this hasty move only gives rise to tragedies in most cases. It’s a loss not just for the creators, but also for the audience.

Creativity Sent For A Toss

With the abundance of movie remakes we get to see, it seems like no one is interested in creating good content anymore. All that seems to be happening is a frame by frame copy of someone else’s creativity.

If we call cinema an ‘art,’ doesn’t it go without saying that it also needs to be the most creatively productive space out there?

Lost In Translation

Many good movies have had their meanings distorted in their remakes. Even though I haven’t seen the movie, I’ve heard a lot of people getting disappointed at the message that Kabir Singh had sent across – that aggression and abusive behaviour are desirable traits in a man.

But, as a huge fan of Arjun Reddy, I can clearly tell you that the Telugu original’s intention was far from that. It showed how such attitudes are destructive and how important it is for someone like that to change.

movie remakes
When remakes and their meanings get lost in translation

All this is why the very mention of a movie remake makes me cringe so much. I’d rather put on subtitles and watch an original in all its glory than sit through hours of utter crap.

What about you guys?

Image Credits: Google Images

Find The Blogger @NandanaNair19

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