Watch: What Does The Colour Of Your Aura Reveal About Your Personality?

For example, if your body radiates ‘blue’ heavily you will tend to be strong, calm and incredibly intuitive


Colours affect us in many ways. We are attracted to certain colours and dislike some. They influence us and our decisions almost daily.

But colours also affect our energies. One such bio-energy is the human aura that has different layers.

All living beings emanate spiritual energy in the form of aura which encodes a series of different colours in these layers. Each colour represents a certain emotion or behaviour.

The light and colours associated with the human aura include all shades of the spectrum and their intensity, weight, and shades depict the mental power, emotions, and behaviour of a person.

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So, for example, if your body radiates ‘blue’ heavily you will tend to be strong, calm and incredibly intuitive.

Watch the video to know what all these colours mean:

Image credits: Google Images

Sources: Wikipedia, The New York Times, Elite Daily

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