Donald Trump had marked coronavirus as “just a flu” from its dawn. On several occasions, he was seen presenting his own theories about coronavirus –
“Coronavirus can be eliminated by drinking sanitizer.”
“Coronavirus will go away in April when heat comes in.”
“It will disappear one day, like a miracle.”
“It will go away without a vaccine.”
“It is what it is.”
But recently, a controversial statement presented by Trump has led Facebook and Twitter to take action against the President’s social media handles.
Also Read: Trump Messed Up Big Time, Again, In UK: Some Of The Worst Lows Here
Facebook Takes Down Trump Post
For the first time, Facebook has deleted a post from the main page of Donald Trump on Wednesday. The post featured a video clip of Trump’s interview with Fox News.
Trump said: “If you look at children, children are almost – and I would almost say definitely – almost immune from this disease. So few, they’ve got stronger, hard to believe, I don’t know how you feel about it, but they’ve got much stronger immune systems than we do somehow for this. And they don’t have a problem, they just don’t have a problem.”
A Facebook spokesperson has said that the post was a violation of their policies around harmful COVID misinformation.
Twitter Restricted @TeamTrump From Sending New Tweets
On Wednesday, after Facebook deleted a post from Trump’s account, Twitter followed by freezing Donald Trump’s campaign after it shared the same video on account of spreading misinformation around coronavirus.
A Twitter spokesperson said, “The account owner will be required to remove the tweet before they can tweet again.”
Last month, a similar restriction was imposed on Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr. Donald Jr. shared a video that stated people do not need masks to prevent the spread of the virus. The video promoted false misinformation about hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus.
Earlier in June, Facebook had to remove adverts for Trump’s re-election campaign. The campaign featured an inverted red triangle symbol that was similar to the symbol used by the Nazis.
Elon Musk made a similar tweet suggesting that children are immune to coronavirus.
The Ambiguity Of Children’s Immunity To Coronavirus
There is a big misconception that children are immune to coronavirus. Although there is a low risk that children can get severely affected by this virus, they can be a carrier of the virus.
Children, if exposed to this virus, can catch and transmit the virus. In a recent US study, one in five patients showed no symptoms of this virus.
However, there have been cases of children developing an inflammatory syndrome similar to that of Kawasaki disease.
For the longest time, Trump has been dismissing coronavirus and labelling it as just a virus despite the fact that around 4.83 million people have been infected with this virus.
This act of spreading misinformation around coronavirus by the US President has been remarkably dismissed by Twitter and Facebook.
Image credits: Google Images
Source: Deadline, BBC News, Mercury News
Find the blogger: @mitali_pk
This post is tagged under: coronavirus, coronavirus fake news, coronavirus effects, coronavirus effects on children, coronavirus misinformation, #DonaldTrump, donald trump tweets, DonaldTrump, donald trump twitter mistakes, donald trump jr, Twitter’s restrictions on trump’s account, Facebook deleted Trump’s post, COVID misinformation, Facebook and Twitter restricting Trump’s accounts, Donald trump’s son, Elon Musk, misinformation on children’s immunity to coronavirus, children getting coronavirus, trump’s account restricted by twitter facebook, why
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