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What All Should You Know If You’re Planning To Get An MBA In Germany?


Germany is hailed as the hub of technology and innovation that pulls in students and business establishments from all over the world. It has remained a preferred option for international students seeking to do an MBA as it gives serious consideration to its education system.

Germany goes by the motto of making valuable education available to all and offers quality degrees at affordable rates. Moreover, the country offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and a well-trained faculty that further enhances the overall learning experience. 

Though before you plan on pursuing the globally recognised MBA degree from Germany, you must acquaint yourself with certain important information. The first thing is choosing the right course as MBA is available in different formats in the country. 

You can pursue a regular 2-year traditional course where you can study at the campus or you can also go for a part-time course where you can choose to study as well as do a part-time job for 2 years. Professionals who cannot do long term course can opt for a 1-year MBA that is packed with valuable expertise.

Those keen for high-quality education can also go for the triple-accredited MBA that is unique and offers extensive knowledge. Opting for Grenoble MBA in Germany which is offered by GISMA School of Business can advance your career considerably.

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Among other things to keep in mind are the entry requirements to study in Germany which consist of the following criteria:

  • The student must possess a 4-year bachelor’s degree or a 3-year degree with a 1-year master’s degree which is equivalent to the German counterpart. 
  • They must also have a valid score in GMAT/GRE/IELTS/TOEFL where the main emphasis is on TOEFL considering it is a necessity in every German university. 
  • Apart from fluency in English which is the medium of teaching in most German business schools, you must have a basic understanding of the German language. 
  • Students should also have a good academic record which for Indian students comes to a minimum of 60% aggregate.
  • Also, those applying for an MBA must also possess at least 3 years of relevant experience. 

The fee structure for MBA in Germany varies according to each university but they are in a bracket that is highly affordable to students. To make education accessible to all, the country has abolished tuition fees in its public institutions and has reduced it significantly in private establishments.

Furthermore, students can also apply for scholarships and grants that are offered by government and non-government institutes. There are a certain set of documents that you must present while applying for the MBA degree at any German institute. These include the following: 

  • TOEFL/IELTS English aptitude test 
  • GMAT/ test Score
  • Bachelor’s degree mark-sheet/ scorecard
  • Copy of passport
  • At least 2 letters of recommendation 
  • Statement of purpose or letter of motivation 

Germany has long been the destination of many business aspirants and you too can kick-start an amazing career with an MBA from this country. Though make sure you have all the relevant documents and credentials for admission at the university. 

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Hyperlinked within the article

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.



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