Watch: Effective, Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Indian Gen Z In The Pandemic

Lifestyle hacks, everyone needs to know in the pandemic

COVID-19 has disrupted our everyday routines, future goals, and lives. It is tough for us to remain productive, intellectually, and physically fit in these times, but it is not impossible.

So, here are some tips and tricks to help you stay stress-free, productive, happy, and healthy throughout the day. 

The video is divided into two sections. The first section contains three workout techniques that may truly transform you from a couch potato to a healthy and strong person. It consists of creative workout hacks, meditation, and wholesome eating. 

A creative workout is comparable to but not the same as a regular workout. It employs non-gym equipment, primarily household appliances, to improve physical strength and encourages us to be more creative in our workout routines.

Meditation, as appealing as it may seem, is not something we practice. But believe me when I say that it is an excellent way for relieving stress, ensuring mental calm, and cleansing your body from within.

Also Read: This Indian Fitness Centre Makes Yoga Fun, Have You Tried It Yet?

Wholesome eating does not imply consuming all of the foods available in your home. On the other hand, it is consuming a variety of “healthy” foods that are high in nutrients and will keep you energized throughout the day. Remember that binge eating might create anxiety or sluggishness.

The second half of the movie should not be missed since it provides solutions to most teenagers and young people’s difficulties: staying productive throughout the day.

It is tough to stay motivated and to obtain a job in these times, but adopting a new pastime is unquestionably one of the simplest ways to pass the time. You can also attempt volunteering and internships, Art Therapy, socializing, and planning, organizing, and accomplishing daily goals on your to-do list.

Read more about them in the video and let us know if it worked for you in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Based on the blogger’s personal ideas and experiences

Find The Blogger: @chiinniiiii

This post is tagged under: lifestyle; life; fitness hacks; fit; fitness; healthy; health; healthy life; effective hacks; exercise; workout; creative workout; pandemic; Gen Z; Indian Gen Z; Wholesome Eating; Healthy Eating; Healthy food; food; COVID-19; mental health; physical health; healthy hacks; hacks; tips; teens; adults; meditate; meditation; mental peace hacks; productivity; pandemic productivity; hobby; passion; following passion; interning; internships; volunteering; volunteering in the pandemic; To-do list; planning; organizing; achieving; daily goals; daily targets; motivated; art therapy; art; drawing; sketching; dancing; hobbies

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