Coronavirus has put the medical healthcare of every nation to the test. With new cases popping up pretty much every day, and that too in the count of thousands, India has struggled a lot to make ends meet. 

Converting train coaches into beds for COVID-19 patients to using schools and colleges as quarantine centers, the government has taken every possible action to provide treatment to everyone.

However, loopholes are everywhere and talking about this pandemic, everything seems like it’s just not enough. 

Arranging the beds solves one problem, but there are plenty on the list. One such obstacle is minimizing contact between doctor and patient, and between patients.

IITians always come up with their own ideas and models to solve our everyday problems. But, thanks to the innovative minds of our nation, there are a lot of people who presented their own ideas to help combat coronavirus.

One such example is Santosh, a person who has made a solar-powered self-quarantine bed for COVID-19 patients.

A One-Of-Its-Kind Bed

There is a mad rush of patients in our hospitals. With the COVID-19 curve progressing briskly, the hospital bed crisis has loomed, and hospitals are running out of space to treat patients. 

In such cases, maintaining social distancing among patients poses a difficult challenge for doctors to combat the spread of coronavirus among patients.

With the motive to increase the degree of isolation, Santosh designed a completely covered self-quarantine bed. Santosh is a school dropout who works as a mechanic in Bhubaneswar. 

Also Read: Life-Saving And Affordable Coronavirus Drug Found For Critical Disease

How It’s Different From A Normal Bed

This invention has changed the very face of the normal beds available in our hospitals.

This self-quarantine bed is solar-powered and acts as an isolation chamber for COVID-19 patients. It also has an airflow system to maintain the flow of oxygen in the bed and push out carbon dioxide.

This bed can help control the spread of coronavirus as it is fully covered. Not only does it decreases the contact between patients, but it also helps minimize the contact between doctors and patients.

Another reason that makes it an intelligent invention is the portability of the bed. It can be easily set up in hospitals, homes, and clinics.

In comparison to open-air beds, the chances of getting affected in these beds are decreased to a greater extent.

In a YouTube video by News18, a healthcare expert, Bhawani Shankar Pani has approved this bed and said- “I am happy to see this type of bed. I hope it will be used in our state and other states for COVID-19 patients. The youth who created this bed should be praised for his intellect and innovation. I am proud of this type of initiative.”

The implementation of this bed in hospitals is still ambiguous.

We don’t know when the vaccine for this virus will be invented. Although all the nations are working on this vaccine, its availability still looks like a faraway dream. But as far as this virus is concerned, we humans will definitely find a way to deal with it with our innovative inventions.

Image credits: YouTube

Source: News18, YouTube

Find the blogger: @mitali_pk

This post is tagged under: coronavirus pandemic, coronavirus, coronavirus affecting poor, Coronavirus India, coronavirus lockdown, coronavirus heroes, positive stories, helping people, good people, good stories, motivating, inspiring, self-quarantine beds, solar power bed, solar power India, Odisha men, Odisha

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