Nike is really going through it after thousands of pages of records and surveys about the work culture and general atmosphere at the fashion brand have come out and shown a very concerning reality that the company’s female employees have revealed.

For one of the biggest apparel brand’s in the world that has a brand value of approximately 33.18 billion U.S. dollars and one that is often carrying out campaigns about social issues, this is a really bad thing to happen to.

One where reportedly the women employees of the company itself have revealed that the actual reality of the company is not as inclusive as it would like the general public to believe.

What is going on with Nike?

Nike has been engaged in a long-running lawsuit about sexual harassment and gender discrimination right in the wake of the #MeToo movement when female female employees spoke out about the sexist and belittling culture that the company had.

The lawsuit has actually been going on since August 2018 when 4 women employees hit the fashion brand with allegations of equal pay and gender discrimination and allowing to foster a “work environment that allowed sexual harassment”.

But now, in another explosive reveal, around 5,000 pages of records and surveys of female employees have been unsealed and provide what they have actually said about the environment at the brand.

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The surveys are called Starfish Surveys and currently around 10 of them are available in public record. The surveys were written by Nike’s female employees in 2018 and all seemed to eco the sentiment of sexist attitudes at the company along with corporate bullying and sexual harassment.

One female employee wrote that “When I received this questionnaire, I asked several of my female coworkers what they thought of working at Nike. I asked how fairly they were treated based on performance vs gender. All unanimously talked about the ‘the Boys Club’ of Nike. A giant men’s sports team, where favoritism prevails and females couldn’t possibly play in the sandbox.”

According to Business Insider, a male executive at Nike told a female employee that “Maybe if you dressed nicer I would be on time,” also adding “Take that baggy jacket off and show some skin.” 

Another said that some of the executives were “well known philanderers with lower level employees whom they exert influence and power over.” While one survey wrote about how she caught a male employee receiving oral sex at the company gym from an employee who was not very high up the employee ranking.

One survey also wrote that “sloppy drunk” men during work travels would put their arms around the female employees or ask the women subordinates to “work dinners” presumably to sleep with them.

The surveys also stated that the company had a pressure-cooker environment where as per the Insider report “women felt they were treated as inferior and called ‘bitch,’ ‘honey,’ and ‘girls’.”

Image Credits: Google Images

Feature Image designed by Saudamini Seth

Sources: Business Insider India, The Guardian, Entrepreneur

Find the blogger: @chirali_08

This post is tagged under: Nike Employee Survey, Nike Employee, nike, nike brand, nike footwear brand, nike employee satisfaction, nike worker, nike employee review, nike controversy

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