A credit card is something we are all well acquainted with, be it for booking flight tickets or shopping (online and offline both), this plastic currency comes in handy.
This type of card is issued to users (cardholders) to allow instant payment for various goods and services with the promise or deal made on the cardholder’s side to pay the issuer of the card the amount they have paid along with some other charges.
Sounds fancy right?
It indeed is!
A simple plastic card, making your day to day transactions so convenient and hassle-free is next level wizardry.
This payment tool is becoming popular day by day because of the convenience and rewards it offers.
This comfort of buying and paying later is catching up with millennials. However, if not used wisely, a credit card can ensure your landing in the pool of financial miseries.
Here are some of the smart ways and tips to use your credit card judiciously and make the most out of it:
Till then, that’s all from our side, folks! Think you can add more to the article? Let us know in the comments section!
Image Credits: Google Images
Sources: Money Control, The Financial Express, Indian Today + more