A shocking incident unfolded at Lovely Professional University when a student recently committed suicide, apparently leaving a note that cited personal reasons. Protests have been mounted by LPU students who claimed that this incident counts as the second suicide at the University in a period of ten days.
College Tragedy
The student, Agun, was pursuing a Bachelor of Design course at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara campus. His hometown is in Kerala, and he had shifted to the private university in Punjab only two weeks earlier. He took his life on Tuesday, 20th September 2022.

Jaspreet Singh, Deputy Superintendent of Police Phagwara, said that a suicide note had been found. The student allegedly blamed a professor at his previous college, NIT Calicut, for “emotionally manipulating” him into leaving the institution. He also apparently wrote, “I regret my decision so much, I am being a burden to everyone. I am sorry but this is it”.
Punjab police have stated that the incident was brought to the attention of the Civil and Police Administration by LPU authorities on Tuesday evening. The Civil and Police officers reached the spot soon and began conducting the preliminary investigation. The police have also informed the deceased student’s parents, who are on their way to the college campus.
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Aman Mittal, vice president of LPU, said, “The police are investigating the matter and from the suicide note recovered, the student has taken this extreme step because of the personal problems he faced in his previous institution at NIT Calicut (Kerala), where he studied for two years”.
Protest On Campus
After the news of the death spread, students at LPU staged a protest on Tuesday afternoon. They alleged that this is the second suicide on campus in ten days and that the college authorities were being tight-lipped about the worrisome issue.
Hundreds of students shouted, “We want justice,” while demanding to know the real reasons behind the deaths.
Mittal claimed that the situation has now been brought under control. “Yesterday, because of lack of information there was a misunderstanding among the other fellow students that led to unrest on the university campus late evening. The police and university authorities have clarified the whole situation to the students”, he said.
LPU’s official Twitter handle posted stating that it is “saddened by the unfortunate incident”. The University is also apparently providing all its support to the investigative authorities.
It “mourns the loss of the student and expresses its condolences to the bereaved family”. Mittal also said that LPU has a fully functional counselling centre where any student can discuss their problems.
Disclaimer: This article is fact-checked
Sources: The Indian Express, The Tribune, The Quint
Image sources: Google Images
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This post is tagged under: LPU student suicide, Kerala student commits suicide at LPU, campus stress, allegations against faculty, college tragedy, Punjab police, Lovely Professional University, NIT Calicut, NIT Calicut professor, student’s death, protest on LPU campus, student’s suicide note
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