HomeED OriginalsDemystified: 10 Most Useful Govt. Helplines That You Should Keep Handy

Demystified: 10 Most Useful Govt. Helplines That You Should Keep Handy


Helplines numbers are not just meant to be reading material when you are travelling by public transport.

Something that you just read over when bored and with nothing and nowhere to go.

Instead they are very important to us as the right one can be extremely useful if one of us got into a tough situation.

However, a lot of people are still, barring a few, unaware of these important govt. helpline numbers.

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So in a bid to make sure that everyone has these numbers in one place and the next time you are in a sticky situation, you can use from one of these numbers.

govt. helplines

Some are valid throughout the country while a couple are for Delhi residents but nonetheless are the essential helpline numbers that you should definitely keep handy:

1. Anti- Stalking Cell (New Delhi): 1091

2. Child Abuse Hotline: 1098

3. Centralised Accident and Trauma Service (New Delhi): 1099

CATS or the Centralised Accident and Trauma Services provides free ambulance service as well as medical aid 24×7 to any person who has suffered from an accident or trauma. This also includes transporting pregnant women to hospital and anyone who might be in need of medical attention.

4. Hospital On Wheel: 104 

5. AIDS Helpline Service: 1097

6. Women’s Helpline: 181

Again as said before, is valid across the country and is a must keep for women these days.

7. Anti Poison (New Delhi): 1066

8. All India Railway Helpline Number: 1512

This number runs through 27 states and is available 24×7 be it in the running train or on the station itself.

9. Public Grievance Cell Telecom Circle HQs: 12727

10. Natural Disaster Control Room: 1096

Image Credits: Google Images

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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