Daniel Mangena: Improving the Essence of Mindset


If you’ve ever doubted the magic of the mind, it’s probably because you’ve never considered how much power that invisible, yet multi-functional, part of you wields. One author once said that “you may be poor, and your shoes might even be broken, but your mind is a beautiful palace”. If you consider those words closely, you’ll understand that your mind is the one place that you can be whoever, and wherever you want to be without limitations.

Imagine setting your mind on a thing and following it through. That is something Daniel Mangena, teacher, life coach and founder of Dream With Dan knows a thing or two about. Mangena teaches that it is all about your mindset. If you think negatively and dwell on it, you’ll reap the negative; if you think positivity and work towards it, things will turn out positively. But it all begins in the mind. The good thing is, your mind is already equipped with everything it needs. It has strength and vision, if only you’ll let it express itself.

The truth is; the mind can create anything you want, and it’s got the tools for the job. The greatest thing to know about the mind is that it is a fire that you need to kindle, not a vessel that needs filling. All you have to do is ignite it and watch it come to life. As Mangena says in a recent interview with Forbes, “if you know what you want, if you can feel it consistently and believe that it will happen, and your actions follow along with that; there is nothing that you can’t create”. That is what he calls ‘real magic’; the realization that you can do anything you believe. 

The only task for you is to fix your mindset. Get your mind working for you. Oftentimes, we limit the power of our mind because we let our fears, anxieties and feelings cloud our sense of direction. We even go as far as limiting our capacity to think beyond the present situation; to see ourselves living better lives and doing greater things. We can’t seem to shake off the feeling of inadequacy. You should be able to set goals and believe that you’ll see them made manifest. You have a choice; choose to succeed. See it in your mind and work towards it.

This is something Mangena understands. He himself has been at the lowest ebb, almost suicidal. He remembers that dark moment of his life with a grin and tells us all he had to do was change his mindset.

“We truly want to believe it, but we’re consumed by the belief that success happens only for other people, and not us. Again, we want to believe that thought or those words spoken to us, but then we look at all the evidence in our lives that says everything always goes wrong. We know that we should do certain things, but there’s story after story of why it won’t work. So, what do we do? We continue to act the same way and do the same things. So of course we get the same results, and  then we tell ourselves, ‘life sucks’ because nothing works out”, he says.

Think about that time where you truly willed a thing, believed in it and worked in line with it, and then it came to be. How come that one time doesn’t teach you the essence of mindset? Successful people think ‘success’ and do the things that bring them success. What are you doing? Mangena has written several life-changing books that can help you get your mindset right. Mangena’s sessions are always so powerful and reflective.

You’d be amazed how he simplifies everything that, hitherto seemed complicated. For instance; he explains how the only thing limiting us are the stories that we tell ourselves about how we’re not enough. But the truth is, these stories are either one of two things; a past you cannot change or a future you haven’t seen. So why worry or let them limit you? In the end, you’re the only one that holds the key to your wealth and success. You can open that door right now, put on the right mindset and get on your journey to personal development, wealth and true success.

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