Milwaukee, WI / February 2021 – Gwen Medved is currently one of the country’s most sought-after and thriving success coaches who have helped numerous people overcome their struggles and past traumas so that they can live happily and productively. Gwen is also the author of the books Pillars of Success and Life Lessons of Success, and she strongly believes that people can overcome depression, anxiety, numbness, and dissociation when they experience love and real connection.
She completed her Bachelor of Arts from Purdue and M.Ed. in Counseling and Human Services from DePaul University. She is a trained graduate of Jack Canfield’s Train the Trainer Professional Development Program. It is a one-year intensive professional training program that focuses on teaching the principles of success experientially. It also trains participants on how to facilitate individual and transformational leadership training and success coaching.
Gwen connects with people in need of resilient success through speaking engagements, retreats, online events, group, and individual coaching. She is a passionate advocate for women and children’s rights, an entrepreneur, investor, and a committed mother. Not long ago, she joined the Emmy Award-winning DNA Films crew in San Diego to be part of creating a film that depicts internet crimes against children.
Question: What can you tell us about your work as a success coach and counselor?
Gwen Medved: My work has a “compassion of truth” to it that is easily relatable and creates an instant connection with clients and audiences. My mission is to help others rise up and thrive through their own adversities and create the life they want. I focus on how to experientially teach the principles of success and the facilitation of individual transformation past pain, trauma, and emotional roadblocks and negative thinking into pathways of power and opportunity.
Question: What motivated you to pursue a career as a success coach?
Gwen Medved: I honed my skills and expertise over decades of personal and professional success and failure. Alcoholism, abuse, anxiety, addiction, and infidelity have all moved in and out of my life at different times. I consider all these to be moments in my own life where obstacles became opportunities for growth, and the personal power that comes from overcoming them. I am who I am today because of all these experiences. It is all these experiences that I draw upon now, as I guide, speak, and motivate with what has been called an “unhindered clarity.”
Question: What separates you or your services from your competition?
Gwen Medved: I have gained a lot of achievements over the years. I spend my time balancing life as a mother, successful entrepreneur, product investor, author, speaker, trainer, and coach at the same time. However, with all the triumphs that I have achieved, I never equated them to luck. I think that everything I have right now is the result of hard work, resilience, and learning the power of gratitude and forgiveness to create success in life. That is why my primary focus in my career is to help transform the lives of people after experiencing trauma.
Question: What advocacies are you currently promoting and working on?
Gwen Medved: I want to create education, advocacy, and awareness to help prevent sexual predators from accessing kids and teens on the internet, and I want to work to help those who have survived sexual abuse, sex trafficking, human trafficking through recovery and resiliency training when they come out on the other side of that experience. I want to bring awareness to our national community of the harmful effects and risks of early childhood exposure and access to sexually illicit material on the internet for both the parent and the children in an effort to have them reduce exposure to prevent long-term detrimental consequences to themselves and to society.
Instagram Gwen Medved @ [email protected], #(262) 501-3648,
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