HomeTechnologyBuyaladdin- The First All-In-One Online Shopping Mall

Buyaladdin- The First All-In-One Online Shopping Mall


Online shopping has gone a long way from its humble beginnings back in 1971. At the time, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), a technology that served as the foundation in developing the internet, was used to arrange a transaction between Stanford and MIT students. More than twenty years later, Jeff Bezos, launched Amazon.com after a lot more developments.

Fast forward to today, e-commerce has evolved into something significantly more advanced, and it became very convenient and easy to access. Everyone with the internet gets exposed to online shopping constantly. We moved from the simpler and archaic ARPANET to the more intricate and modern online stores such as Amazon and Alibaba.

Even though we’ve already advanced this far, humanity has a passion for progress, and Buyaladdin—the company we are featuring in this article—is one that aims to push e-commerce on to the next level.

Roadblocks in Online Shopping

The reality is that today’s online stores are already pretty easy-to-use, convenient, and up-to-speed. However, there are still a lot of areas that can make the case for more improvements, and that’s what Buyaladdin is capitalizing on. Several things can be considered roadblocks when it comes to online shopping.

Advanced online sites like eBay and Amazon can show you various distributors giving different prices for similar items. But of course, they wouldn’t show items from their competitor websites. That’s not good for business. This is why when you buy an item in one store (let’s say Amazon), you sometimes end up seeing an identical item with a significantly different price point on another store like Walmart or Alibaba. That sucks. But if you wanted to compare prices, you would’ve had to go through the tedious task of manually checking each website, and this takes a lot of time. So, you just move on knowing you were ripped off. We need something that lets us browse and compare prices more conveniently, and that’s one of the things that Buyaladdin Online Shopping App brings to the table.

Another issue that can use some upgrade is the need to login and input your credit card information or payment method in every shopping site that you visit when you buy. It’s something people only normally do for lack of any better solution. But now, the Buyaladdin team has developed the function that allows people to log in only once and access various shopping malls and make a purchase anywhere they want without the repeated login work on each site.

Even though Amazon and other online stores allow creating multiple shopping lists, the sites still won’t allow you to compile a list containing items from different shopping websites. This is another issue that the team recognized very well.

Pushing E-Commerce Forward Through Leadership

Mr. Stanley Park, CEO of Buyaladdin has been pondering about these issues and decided to start a company that can improve upon these premises. Since he has a proven track record leading various successful fintech ventures like NeoArena, Ubifun, and Tstudy, he decided to work on developing Buyaladdin.

“We need to push e-commerce to the next phase,” said Mr. Stanley Park in a statement sent to us. He believes that making things more convenient for people is the start of bringing the future of commerce into reality. He also recognizes that he alone cannot make it into a reality, so he formed the Buyaladdin team—a group working in all corners of the globe who are passionate in ecommerce.

What Is Buyaladdin All About?

As an organization, we can say that Buyaladdin is an international business specializing in ecommerce. While their main brain is located in the United States, the organization still has numerous internationally-renown partners, and they have multiple team members and colleagues working in different locations.

The organization’s vision is to construct a stage that could convey a worldwide and comprehensive web-based shopping experience to its users. The team is planning to do this by giving reliable data to their users via a feature called price comparison.

The group is focusing on reaching the global market. They recognize the needs of customers to have the option to acquire data on the different prices of items they are keen on through the Buyaladdin application.

Utilizing their creative global team and skilled engineers, the organization has worked eagerly to create and build up this platform that intends to alter the cutting-edge online shopping market by leading its users to important information that they can use, as mentioned in Buyaladdin’s blog, “make better purchase decisions.”

All-In-One Shopping Mall, Anything from Anywhere

Buyaladdin offers what they call an all-in-one shopping app. Their users can log-in and have access to 100+ stores globally in just a single app. Users can shop anytime and anywhere when they utilize the application.

Accurate Product Search

One of the things that are very impressive in Buyaladdin is its enterprise-grade product search. They developed a really good algorithm to give you exactly what you need by showing the most relevant results from the keywords you chose. 

Magic Filter

They also created what they call the Magic Filter option. This feature was created so that users can save time by filtering the product search through the preferred nationality, gender, and age that they provided.

Quick Join to 100+ Shopping Malls 

The company is also bringing convenience to its users. With the application, users are able to sign up to any shopping mall that they have integrated in Buyaladdin with a very simple process—just one click with their Quick Join feature.

Compare Products

With the app, you can also easily utilize the price comparison feature. Users can have a look at various items listed across their favorite shopping malls and compare prices with a very simple search process. 

One Wish List 

The application also allows its users to compile a list containing items from different shopping websites. The team determined that this will be very useful for people who can’t find the products that they want in just one site.

Genie Mail Notification

The company also considered communication with its users as a factor that contributes to the success of the project. This is why they organized their communications through their Genie Mail function. Their users can receive all updates related to the latest promotions, offers, and deals through this channel.

Multi Language Support

Because Buyaladdin is targeting a global audience, one of their priorities was to make the app available in various languages. The team integrated English, Korean, Chinese,  and Spanish in the app. They are working to add more so that they can reach the global market with more ease.

Buyaladdin Rewards Program

The team also developed a very engaging rewards program for its users. Within the application, anyone can join in on a very enticing opportunity to earn what they call Buyaladdin points. People can participate by signing up and inviting their friends to download Buyaladdin. If users sign up, they only need to make sure to type in the referral code of whoever referred them. If they signed up through their native promotions, they can use the code “buyaladdinrewards”. 

Buyaladdin Mileage Points

For every 100 Buyaladdin Points that users acquire, the team will give 1 Mileage Point. The Mileage Points can be used in their purchases within the Buyaladdin Online Shopping App. Users will be allowed to pay up to 20% of the total amount of their purchase using Mileage Points. A minimum of 1,000 points can be used on a single purchase, while a maximum of 10,000 points can be used on a single purchase.

Future Plans

The Buyaladdin team aims to be a global leader in online shopping. According to their CEO Mr. Stanley Park, they are constantly looking for ways to improve their product. The team is working 24/7 across the globe to provide better service to their users and to push the future of ecommerce to the next level. They are staying true to their main goal which is as their name implies, “a whole new world of online shopping.”

(Syndicated content)

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