Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeFoodChef Shilpa Shiravadekar’s APPEs got some nutritive twist

Chef Shilpa Shiravadekar’s APPEs got some nutritive twist


Shilpa Shiravadekar, a chef, always keeps on experimenting when it comes to spices & vegetables  Her cooking style is different & unique in its own way. Raising nutritive bar in the recipe she prepares is her prime USP; Undhiyo not being spared from it. This lockdown period she decided to come up with something innovative yes a Nutritive pot meal: APPE; now traditional appe do consist of rice & Udit dal baKer leL for fermentation but ever thought of adding all nutritive dals and peanuts to it? Well, Chef Shilpa Shiravadekar did the exact thing and raised the protein content of the recipe to the next level!

Wondering of the taste? It was more tasty than it looked! Wondering of the recipe for this amazing dish? Don’t you worry Chef Shilpa Shiravadekar shares her recipe with you all!

Oh wait what are you going to have your appe with must be your question well Chef Shilpa has her unique Dal Fry ready which is different from the regular sambar how? Yes! Fried Urad dal flavour is the answer.

Without wasting anytime let’s dive into the recipes for APPE by Chef Shilpa Shiravadekar.

Appe Recipe

  • Soak all dals and peanuts in water for 5-6 hours or overnight
  • Next day remove all water
  • Add green chilies, ginger, cumin seeds, and salt to the soaked dals and peanuts, and grind in a mixer
  • Batter should be thick but not very fine, so add minimum water while grinding
  • Keep the mixture aside for about 6-8 hours for fermentation
  • Heat ghee in appe pan. Once the ghee is hot, add a spoonful of batter in the cavities.
  • Cover the pan and let the appe cook until nicely browned from the bottom
  • Flip and cook from the other side as well

Dal Recipe

  • Take Tur dal in a vessel, and wash several times till the water runs clear
  • Cook the dal in a pressure cooker for three whistles. For 1 cup dal add 2 cups of water. Water should be double than the amount of dal
  • Once the dal has cooled down, grind it in a mixer to make it fine
  • Heat oil in a pan
  • Now add finely chopped garlic and sauté, then add grated ginger and sauté
  • Then add urad dal, and fry it until golden brown. Next add green chilies and curry leaves
  • Sauté this mixture for sometime
  • Add cumin seeds, kasuri methi, hing (asafetida), and chopped onion. Fry well for 2-3 minutes
  • Now, add salt, turmeric powder, mirchi powder, and tomato puree. Sauté everything until oil is seen from the sides
  • Add Kitchen king masala
  • Next, add the cooked dal and a little water. Bring it to boil, it takes about 3-4 minutes
  • Consistency of the dal should be thinner than the regular dal, so add water accordingly
  • Our dal is ready!

Now, in a large bowl serve the dal and add appes. Garnish it with chopped coriander and ghee. We hope you enjoy making the recipe!

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