HomeLifestyleNOT OVER YET



By  Chirali Sharma




I was discussing this with my friends a few days ago, about our upcoming farewell and how fast time flies. It seemed like only yesterday, that we were complaining of still being in school and all the negatives of it, like waking up so early, homework and strict teachers. We were just waiting for that day when we would say bye bye to our school and be able to properly enjoy our freedom in college. But here we are, saying a good bye to college too, these 3 years have passed so fast, it was like I blinked and the time has already gone by and now its time to bid adieu to our college too. Most of us will now go to other states for a job or higher education and well, be too busy to be able to enjoy. So, on that topic I have penned down this little poem, hope you all are able to connect with it.



Childhood to adults,

A long road we’ve traveled

Yet more is to come

The journey is not

Over yet.


Tears, blood, sweat,

We’ve shared it all,

Yet more is to come

The journey is not

Over yet.


Fights we’ve endured

Reconciliations we’ve welcomed

All of it just makes us stronger

Yet more is to come,

The journey is not

Over yet.


From yahoo chats to FB chats,

From text messages to BBM and whatsapp

These changes,

Some welcomed, some not so much.

Yet more is to come,

The journey is not

Over yet.


From thinking that,

The sun drawn in a wall gave us super powers,

To, imagining ourselves as power rangers.

Now we know reality,

Yet we hold these memories,

In a hidden cave in our hearts.

They bring that secret smile to our faces

A private joke,

That only few are privy to.

Yet more is to come,

The journey is not

Over yet.


So, don’t be sad,

For an end

Is only a new beginning.

Yet more is to come,

The journey is not

Over yet.



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