As a college student who is just about to graduate, would you raise your voice against the wrongs in your college? Or would you just become a silent spectator because of fear of your own degree?
This is exactly what we asked different college students for our VoxPop this month. Especially in light of recent protests in Amity Law School in Delhi and National Law Institute University in Bhopal.
Before moving forward, ED VoxPop is where we ask people different survey questions and get responses to conduct sort of a poll of our own.
Now, colleges aren’t the same old ‘worship knowledge and righteousness’ places anymore. A lot of unwarranted and unfair actions are taken by college authorities, putting students’ future at risk. If caught up in such a situation, will you raise voice against wrongs in your college?
Here are the responses of students from different colleges/universities:
Also, read: Why Indian Education Does Not Prepare One For Employment: ED VoxPop
What do you think about this issue, specially in light of so many student protests happening every now and then?
Let us know in the comments below.
Design Credits: Author
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