What To Do When You Are Confused About your Sexuality?


Not a lot of people miss a chance of going through the dawn of sexual attraction, the almighty Puberty. These are the times when our body goes through certain hormonal changes which help us determine who we are attracted too, be it romantically or sexually.

A Few Handy Explanations:

Here we present you few definitions of sexual orientations that will not only make you smarter but will also help you understand what gender you are attracted to better.

Asexual: Refers to people not attracted to any sex or gender.

Heterosexual (Straight): Constitutes of people who are attracted to the opposite sex i.e. males are attracted to females and females to males.

Bisexual or Bi: People who are attracted to both men and women. It has been observed that many people engage in bisexual behaviours but hardly describe themselves as bi.

Homosexual (gay or lesbian): People who are attracted to the same sex. Men are identified as gay and women as lesbians.

Bi-curious: Being curious about both the genders and can’t identify your sexuality.

Pansexual: Attracted to everyone regardless of their gender. Also referred as “gender blind”.


Figuring out your sexuality:

Step 1: Study the science behind what influences your sexual orientation.
In 2014, it was confirmed that there is a link between the same- sex orientation and a specific chromosomal region. Also, it is proved that homosexuality is a heritable trait.


Step 2: Get yourself acquainted with the different forms of sexuality.

Study about the definitions of the various sexual orientations mentioned above to get a clear idea about your preferences.

Step 3: Ponder over your past relationships.

Think about your past relationships and your sexual preferences. If you think that is all you want in a relationship and it leaves nothing to be desired then there you go. There might be chances that you have everything figured out all along.


Step 4: Are you ready to explore?

Ask yourself if you’d like to give a shot to new things and are open to exploring other genders. Trying fantasizing about them could be a good start.


Step 5: Acceptance is the Key

We know that sexuality is usually considered to be a very complex issue but remember that you are the one who has to live your life and make your own decisions. So society is not something you should be worried about. Do not forget that you are not alone and there are thousands of people like you in this world.


Step 6: Be proud and Embrace yourself.

Remember the well-known fact of everyone being equal in this world? So yes, what is there to be afraid of? Accept whatever gender definition you fall into, be proud of it and be ready to embrace the glorious mess that you are.



Trust yourself to make a decision. Still confused? We are here to help you.


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