Creativity has touched all possibilities under the sun. Surpassing the conventional norms, people have come up with ideas and ways to showcase their skills, talents, and interests at large on platforms big and small. 

Aesthetics too have gained wide-ranging popularity and many forms. But aesthetics are no longer limited to art and its appreciation, they are now inclusive of dark, sinister forms too.

Varying along with the variation in moods, aesthetics are largely used nowadays to gain attention, clout, and remain in trend. No one has any inclination towards aesthetics and all things beautiful and lovely, rather seeking attention remains the ultimate aim.

This brings me to the concept of ‘traumacore’ wherein venting is the leading intent. Venting about the happenings of daily life, judging with prejudice, and the most crucial element, trauma.

Traumacore is a type of imagery that delves into the themes of abuse and trauma (particularly sexual trauma or CSA) and romanticizes the same.

Reading Into Traumacore 

As soon as we hear the word ‘trauma’, we associate severe mental and physical pain with it. But the millennials have given this term yet another angle. Delving into the theme of abuse (mental, physical, spiritual, all come under the radar), Gen Z has glorified trauma to an extreme level.

To cut the backlash and hide the blatant glorification, child-like, angelic themes are used more often than not. This veils the revolting support for abuse and trauma. Below are some examples of imagery used in Traumacore.

An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore
An example of Traumacore

But another aspect of traumacore is of slight assistance to the ones who have suffered from trauma, the real trauma that is. No suffering is big or small, nor can any two hardships be compared, but a clear difference remains between the genuine traumas and the ones for clout.

As for the traumatized people, this venting has helped in coping with and coming out of the torment they might have suffered earlier on. It may be seen as art therapy.

Read More:  Are Millenials Falling Prey To Trauma Bonding?

Is Traumacore Acceptable?

Only the ones with the intent to overcome their traumas should go for this ‘therapy’. On the other hand, the non-serious ones should stay as far from this as possible lest it becomes fetishization. 

Artists adopt this method to help the people in need and to raise awareness on certain issues and traumas that remain hidden or taboo. 

An example of trauma core-driven personality is Betty Cooper from the famous series Riverdale.

All being said, the romanticization of mental issues and traumas of all kinds is ghastly and should not be encouraged. Nor should it be allowed to continue unless required by the ones in dire need.

If you or your loved ones are dealing with the trauma of any kind, remember you are loved and cherished.

And just in case you’re apprehensive about whether you can use traumacore as a coping mechanism, please try treatment and medications as the first choice and only later, opt for this therapy.

Image Source: Google Images

Sources: Quora, Reddit, Aesthetics Fandom

Find The Blogger: @evidenceofmine

This post is tagged under: trauma, trauma core, skill, talent, creativity, platform, social media, aesthetic, aesthetics, populatiy, clout, art, appreciation of art, artists, artist, inclusive, inclusivity, dark phase, dark side, trend, trending, viral, attention, attention seeking, vent, venting, prejudice, imagery, dark imagery, sexual trauma, mental trauma, spiritual trauma, trauma patient, traumatized, glorification of trauma, romanticizing trauma, glorifying trauma, romanticizing abuse, glorifying abuse, CSA, PTSD, mental health, health, physical health, millennials, millennial, gen Z, angelic theme, children theme, trauma theme, fake trauma, real trauma, coping mechanism, cope, coping with trauma, art therapy, therapy, medication, trauma medication, trauma therapy, help, trauma help, Betty Cooper, Riverdale, taboo, what is traumacore, why are millennials obsessed with trauma, what is fake trauma, how is trauma good for clout, why are millennials chasing clout, how is venting helping the millennials, a coping mechanism, how is traumacore art therapy, what is art therapy, does venting help, how is trauma glorified, how is trauma romanticized 

Other Recommendations:

K-Dramas That Talk About Mental Health Issues


  1. Who does this person think they are to say “it should not be allowed to continue?” are you even aware of the implications of what this is? Trauma is already an overlooked and avoided topic, and it just outrages me to see people who have zero clue what others might have gone through have the audacity to say “just remember you are loved and cherished, and go to therapy.” LMAO!
    Let people use their freedom of artistic expression however they please, and keep your outrageous opinions to basically censor art to yourself.

  2. This is such blantent misinformation. It’s horrid how trauma is overlooked- the childish images are because for many of us, that’s when the trauma happened. We had to grow up too fast, and since we matured like a child we will remain childish. This should have been written by someone with a trauma background or a psychologist. It is not an aesthetic either- it is a coping mechanism. That’s all it is. People are always going to make something disgusting out of anything they find- I mean, there’s rule 34 for example. They’ll ruin anything they can get there grubby hands on and it’s the same for traumacore. Check your facts.

  3. people are dealing with trauma and you’re calling it romanticizing and glorification.
    this is EXTREMELY invalidating to people who are genuinely using this as a coping mechanism and misinforming those who don’t understand it. it’s THEIR trauma. you don’t get to dictate how they cope.
    the fact that this is being described as millennials and gen z doing their thing and “seeking attention” is DISGUSTING.
    art has always been “inclusive of dark, sinister forms”. it was censored for so long because society wanted art to fit expectations. there is nothing wrong with depicting darker themes.
    if you’re so convinced that “seeking attention remains the ultimate aim” then you haven’t interacted with enough of the internet to judge what anyone does on it.

    tl;dr: don’t write an article on something you know nothing about

  4. as someone who was legitimately diagnosed with ptsd due to childhood trauma, this is horridly inaccurate. traumacore is used to help traumatized people cope. when i see something traumacore related, it comforts me to know i’m not the only person with these thoughts and feelings.

    romanticization would be “oh uwu my daddy beat me, but it’s okay because he loves me”, not “i feel like ending my life” or “i feel trapped in my own body”. please, PLEASE, actually do your research about coping skills before spreading misinformation. this article is very harmful to people with trauma who use traumacore to cope.

  5. Whoever wrote this is a complete dickhead and clearly knows nothing about it. How embarrassing to blatantly spread misinformation on the internet about a COPING MECHANISM. I just cannot imagine.

  6. The person who wrote this is a total cunt. Thanks for making me feel like shit for trying to make art rather than kms. Absolute embarrassment of an article on something the author knows nothing about and it shows.

  7. Folks if ya wanna give the author hell, there’s her social media!

    yeah, this is BULLSHIT. as someone who uses vent art and traumacore to vent about my father and brother’s homicide, i find this very crude and insulting. please do your own research about mental trauma before you decide to shame someone for wanting to get better.

  8. this is what happens when you let out of touch boomers write articles that blatantly spread misinformation about genuine trauma and traumacore itself, are there people who do indeed do this and don’t have any trauma? yeah and they typically don’t last long or are flatly ignored, in this case you flatly lump everyone into the same pit. even then you didn’t bother to do your damn research, you downplay trauma and actively call it attention seeking. like good lord the sheer level of entitlement you have is painfully painted all over this, you should not just feel ashamed of yourself but how you wasted mine and others time LYING about something you know nothing about.

  9. I may not use this coping mechanism.. but I know people who do. This article is insulting to people who use it to cope with childhood tramas of all kinds. it isn’t to “romanticize” or “Seek attention” it’s a genuine coping mechanism for people….

  10. You say it’s glorified n all that at the start then u go on to say ohhh u can if it’s coping, but u put it so low down so it makes people not read the whole ass thing then.. you know what I’m too lazy . Just delete this damn post lmao


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