Did You Know That When You Apply A Pain Spray In a Certain Way, It Is More Effective? Volini 360 Told Us


Everybody goes through pain at some point of time, be it body aches, ligament tears, sports injuries or any other type of sprains. So this is the time when your hand reaches for that spray bottle that is going to give you relief.

But is your style of application decreasing the spray’s efficiency?

Many a times your injury is in such a place where you cannot apply the spray without tilting it, this tilt decreases the efficiency of your spray by at least 30-40 Percent. That is the reason that sometimes your spray is not effective enough.

Recently Volini launched Volini 360 which is 360 degree spray that enables the can to produce uniform spray pattern for optimal coverage.

So basically, those hard to reach areas can be well tackled.

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The technology used in this product is very interesting, as they have put in a new layer inside the spray can which helps the nozzle to supply the same amount of medicine irrespective of the direction.

It is commendable to see the kind of innovation that a company puts in making life easy for its consumer.

Volini has legacy of being a doctor recommended brand and has maintained its position for all these years.

Recently, ED was invited to a bloggers meet by them. At the event, Volini also announced their new brand ambassadors: Sania Mirza and Sunil Chhetri. We will be seeing them in a new campaign with Volini where they talk about how pain can attack them anytime and how Volini 360 lets them get rid of the pain.

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So next time be careful when you use your spray can, either keep it straight or move on to Volini 360!


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