Time is money. And money is time.

If you are a millennial or a Gen-Z born into any family that isn’t high-class, this not-so-correct quote is 100% valid for you.

India saw a rise in consumerism since Independence. This is prominent in the millennial and the Gen-Z era. Unlike Gen-Y, the period that saw less competition in the market and left little to no room for choices, we have a wide range of options to choose from. This is where two key factors in our decision-making become quality and price.

You go to a physical or an online market to buy a particular product. In front of your eyes, lay 2-3 expensive brands and 6-7 inexpensive ones (all of the latter are almost the same price).

Without a second thought, your eyes immediately darts to the inexpensive ones, and based on many comparisons you go for what you deem is the best quality among them.

Which is fine. Getting your eyes off expensive items is probably the right thing to do. Higher prices do not necessarily guarantee high quality, but it is definitely something worth considering if that were to be the case. Especially for the things that play much more of a significant role in your life than you think. A little extra money paid goes a long way.

Here are a few you should really consider:

Good Shoes:

I cannot emphasize enough on this!

It really pains me to see hustlers from my college working with media to go from place to place in footwear not made for heavy-duty use. This includes your normal chappals, sandals, and other shoes designed to be paired with everyday kurti and salwar.

Recommendations: Scholl, Skechers.

A Comfortable Chair:

Doesn’t matter if you study or work, if you regularly seat yourself to a desk, it becomes 100x important to use the right chair. Chairs pulled from dining tables, or those “short and classy” ones literally scream backache!

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Organic/Unadulterated Food:

You probably already know the deal. In case you don’t get it, it’s an investment for your long-term well-being.

A Solid Backpack:

Backpacks are a constant, right from school to even when you are working in an office. We carry books, then switch up to carry our laptops.

We also use them as a luggage bag for mini journeys. For something this clingy (haha), it’s again important to make sure that the loads of weight that we carry doesn’t affect our spine permanently.

Recommended: Skybags

Image Sources: Google Images

Sources: Chennai Corporation, Medical News Today, Self

Find The Blogger: @PoppyDotWot

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