
The Financial Colosseum 2019 is on the horizon and the Finance and Investment Cell, Hindu College is buzzing with enthusiasm!

The annual financial fest of F&IC, Hindu College will take place from 28th to 30th September, 2019. The Financial Colosseum has proven to be one of the most exhilarating and engaging financial fests in the Delhi University. 

Register now at: http://bit.ly/TheFinancialColosseum19

1. Decrypt’19:

A live online quiz, and case study competition, on the 28th of September, 2019 that gives the participants real-life financial chaos in a simulation. It puts to test one’s critical thinking and gives them a chance to get out of this chaos with financial skill and merit. 

2. Narconomics:

On the 30th of September, 2019 is the ruthless war fought among the crazy with wit and vice. It is a simulated board game based on the economics of a narcotics supply chain, managing the costs of operations, minimizing the costs as much as possible by using one’s managerial prowess and analytical skills.

3. Identify Theft ’19:

Held on the 30th of September,2019 is an event surrounding embezzlement. Using one’s wit and craft, participants switch personalities, enjoy the perks and walk out without consequences. A perfect blend of deception and intellect, Identity theft allows appropriation in the most exciting sense.  

4. In(vested) Interest:

On the 30th of September, 2019 this event will allow the participants to participate as venture capitalists. The financiers will be given their portfolios whereby they would have to outbid their opponents and negotiate their way to the top. 

5. Guest speaker session by Mr. Sanjeev Sanyal will be held on the 30th of September, 2019. The Principal Economic Adviser to the Ministry of Finance and former Managing Director of Deutsche Bank will be throwing light on the topic – “Indian Economy: The road to revival and $5 trillion target”.

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