1.Nepal and India shaken by an earthquake that occured at a magnitude of 7.9 on the richter scale this morning. #EarthquakeAftershocks #PrayingForTheLivesLost
2. NaMo took his first merry-metro ride from Dhaula Kuan to Dwarka and “really enjoyed it” as he passed by the hotch-potch of bundled over-head cables and tattered Delhi houses. #NaMoMetroRide
3. Frank Miller is all set to write a sequel to Dark Knight Rises, gracing the world with another Bruce Wayne creation and pulling us out of this misery we call ‘reality’. #BatmanIsBack
Chetan Bhagat has finally admitted his undying crush on Preity Zinta (I wonder who played the half-girlfriend in his naughty thoughts that night *wink*) #FakingIt #HalfZinta #HalfBhagat #BowChicaWowWow
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