HomePoliticsThe Quirks of Being Narendra Modi

The Quirks of Being Narendra Modi


By Krishni Miglani

modi18a3ef1c-634f-496e-8f3d-17e81351f6eeA year ago if you’d have asked me about who the prime minister of this country would be, I would take a minute to answer and still not be sure of my words. But this very year, I –and tens of millions of other Indians—would have quoted with confidence that it’d be Mr. Modi and no one else.

I was intrigued by Modi’s message and the prospects for a new prime ministerial approach and, dare I say it, a paradigm shift in our political culture.

The point of this piece is to make the claim that, in my humble opinion, Mr. Modi is a brilliant choice for the prime minister of a country like India. A country with second largest labour force. A country where the youth comprises a huge chunk of the entire population. A country with prospects for immense growth! Yes, a country with enough minds to ignite not just its own self but the world at large too. A nation with a population of 1.3 billion and counting! The nation needs a leader like Mr. Modi. A person who shines for his impeccable integrity! Someone whose focus on building Gujarat on the pillars of an able administration and good governance has left us spellbound! A man who has achieved phenomenal development and economic growth, and at the same time bolstered social inclusiveness! Yes the nation needs an absolute persona, a superman, someone we can count on! Someone who can be the chariot driver of the hopes and aspirations of the average Indian.

Narendra Modi is a visionary. This characteristic of his reflects in not just his ideology, his reforms and policies, but also his well-planned art of communication. He mastered the art of conversation. A political veteran loved by both masses and classes, he is one of the few politicians who has used technology to connect with people be it in the form of Google+ hangouts, projected 3D public speeches or twitter. Wise and correct use of technology invariably helped reach out to a larger population base and bridge the existing communication gaps.

You know who the pretty are, you know where the spot of the riches be, but you know, who is the real boss, when they start to speak. Our prime minister brings this thought to life with his charismatic personality. His speeches don’t just express clarity of thought deep rooted in him, but also his great oratory skills. Modi is not some snake charmer, but he’s definitely a charmer.

His leadership style is authoritative some argue, I beg to differ and think it’s bold and competitive. For a nation like ours which has had an invisible puppet leading us, it’s a delightful change.

Modi invited the leaders of SAARC countries to his oath-taking ceremony for taking office as Prime Minister, to strengthen the diplomatic relationship and increase business. It’s only been a month but the budget and his visions of bullet trains speak volumes for the unprecedented growth India is about to see.

He’s the only oldie who can rock a selfie and still get you thinking about your potential to the country’s growth as an Indian citizen. Mr. Narendra Modi is definitely not god, but he’s our Superman!



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