Number Of People Injured Were More Than The Number Of Car Accidents In India: Time To Take Precautions


Precaution is better than cure, and I learnt the true meaning of the phrase, when I burnt my own fingers in a car accident and ended up paying through my nose.


Car accidents are inevitable; needless to say however safe you drive there is always a chance of someone else driving carelessly, or other unpredictable events which may lead to damaging your car and yourself. And you might not be instantly liquid to pay for it. That’s why you need a car insurance (and not just because it is legally mandatory).

Not convinced yet? Have a look.

According to online public data, over 4 Million accidents happen in India every year.In 2012, 385934 road accidents occurred in which 398965 were injured.

That’s right, the number of people injured were more than the number of accidents.

Accident by Oneself

Every one out of seven accidents are caused by the fault of the driver, here are the major causes:-

  • Texting: Many reports show that drivers were texting or on a call when they met an accident.
  • Fatigue: Reports show that many a times drivers are fatigued, probably of work, or of driving continuously over a long distance.
  • Drunkenness: In an age where getting drunk is considered very normal, drinking and driving is bound to increase.

Accident by External Factors

While six out of seven accidents are caused by external factors, you can always take precaution but there’s nothing else you can control.

  • Rain/Snow: Most accidents over the world are caused by bad weather conditions, be it snow or rain.
  • Youth rash driving:The youth definitely has a furious need for speed.
  • Defect in Road Conditions: India has reported an unusually high number of road accidents in the past decades; in 2012 in Manipur 102 out of 771 accidents were caused by poor road conditions.
  • Rickshaws and Autos: They move slowly, and pop out of unexpected places, and cause a lot of trouble.

If accidents aren’t enough, here’s another reason why precaution is need of the hour, given the road madness and extreme weathers in India.

Major Repairs and Maintenance Costs

  • When neighbours take their jealousy out on your car.
  • A tiny hit to the car can cause great pains, like a new headlight or a side view mirror.
  • Leave the parking lights on by mistake and the next thing you know your battery runs out.
  • Robbers aren’t too kind either

Traffic accident - one driver on the mobile phone, second expressing anger

These costs can be from affordable to exorbitant, and pinch when we have to pay for them from our pockets. Car insurance proves to be a very effective solution in such events.

Whether you’ve seen any of the situations above mentioned or not, it’s always wise to be in the know-how and guard your pocket from unnecessary drainage by unproductive expenses.

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