The stock market isn’t something where people dare to invest. You need to be a risk-taker in-order to invest in the stock market and Mriganka Baishya knows this better than anyone else. Hailing from Guwahati, Assam he started his vocation as a freelancer. After completing high school in the year 2015, he started doing various projects in web development. But that didn’t give him the thrill that he wanted in life. Mriganka was enthralled by the stock market and he started gaining knowledge about it in various ways. Books and the Internet helped him to be adroit in the financial market. After being assertive about his skills, he became an investor to an intraday trader. Learning from his experience today he is a well-known person in the world of the stock market. His journey is an inventiveness to those who aren’t afraid to take risks in their lives.
After striving hard, Mriganka started his firm called MCODE TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD. This registered company is serving people by providing them with web development services, financial services, and digital marketing services. Mriganka along with his team is ready to serve people with his skills. He has also helped many big businessmen in Guwahati and with his skills by handling their trading accounts.
Mriganka’s pliancy is the skill which helped him to run his company along with his day trading firm. To assist people and help the youth to grow in their profession, Mriganka came up with MCODE INVESTMENTS which is a stock market training institute and advisory firm. The rationale behind this training institute is to help people with their trading career. To this date, they have trained around fifty students and have helped them to achieve their goals. He intends to become a personage in the field of financial market and his tenacity won’t let him stop at any cost.
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