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HomeLifestyle6 Gruesome Methods Of Torture That Will Make You Cringe- Read At...

6 Gruesome Methods Of Torture That Will Make You Cringe- Read At Your Own Risk


By Parnika Deora

Before one starts reading this, I would like to declare that kids should not view this article! It’s gruesome and disgusting but my motive to tell you about such methods is because my personal belief is that God created humans, but humans created devils.

For starters,

Torture is the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.


A shameful and vengeful way to show how sick one is and till what extent he can stoop to make a point.  It’s plain bullshit. As if having an irritating sibling isn’t enough torture!

Let me walk you through some degenerate techniques that were devised by those who had their brains in their… well not in their heads for sure.

Methods of Torture:



Molten lead, tar, boiling water or boiling oil, would be used to sprinkle on the victim. Especially on the eyes, it would be agonizing and eventually lead to the death of the person.

Cringing? The person who came up with this idea should have himself been the first victim of the lead sprinkler!



This was used for mutilating those who questioned the king. The nitty gritty details shouldn’t be pondered upon because the picture is itself saying a thousand words. A thought that came to my mind when I saw it –‘That’s a pretty ‘BALL-sy’ move!’ get it? Get it? :p  Though this is one hell of a torture.


Now don’t be grossed out.


One of the most sadistic of all torture techniques involved having an open cage tied to the victim’s body. It would then be filled with large rodents and would be heated using some element. Driven by their natural extinct to get away from the heat they would burrow their way out. Ewww. *puking sensation*

Let me share with you a personal thought: we have bad people, we have inhumane souls and at the highest pedestal comes Satan himself in the body of a mortal being. But this? This technique must have been devised by a man who is worse than the bacteria that feeds on poop. Sorry, couldn’t think of anything worse.



This is some crazy technique. It plays with our mind and leaves us mentally handicapped. According to Amnesty International, “the cells had no windows, and everything was entirely colored creamy white. The meal was white rice on a white paper plate. If he wanted to use the toilet, he had to put a white slip of paper under the door of the cell to alert guards who reportedly had footwear designed to muffle any sound. Fakhravar was forbidden to talk to anyone.” Amir Abbas Fakhravar was the first person who was tortured like this by the Iranian government.

  • THE TUB:


One of the most inhuman torture methods ever used, this technique involved the victim sitting in the tub and being left to decay. The body of the victim would be painted with honey and milk and then flies would begin to feed on them. Now the next fact may creep you out and give you goose bumps, but here it goes: The victim was also given food daily so that he would excrete and then worms would help in the decay process of his/her body.

Mind-numbing.  Isn’t it?

Last but not the least-

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Well, this was one form of torture that I and many more victims have gone through. It was a psychological torture that brought harm to many people’s IQ. It happened to me one night, that one cursed night when my friend (your loved ones can harm you the most) inflicted this torture on me. It’s a bad memory, but I know I will get over it. I am strong.

Present day torture techniques are not as disgusting as the ones mentioned above but the fact that these did exist makes me feel embarrassed that I am a part of the species that actually came up with these barbarous ideas.

If you know some bizarre and horrendous torture methods, then write to us about it!

P.S- Dilwale has already been taken into account. LOL!

Image Credits: Google

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