HomeLifestyleIndian Cricket: Summer 2015

Indian Cricket: Summer 2015



The Men in Blue are all set for the Zimbabwe Tour.



Ajinkya Rahane (C), Murali Vijay, Ambati Rayudu, Manoj Tiwary, Kedar Jadav, Robin Uthappa, Manish Pandey, Harbhajan Singh, Axar Patel, Karn Sharma, Dhawal Kulkarni, Stuart Binny, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Mohit Sharma, Sandeep Sharma.


Big players rested, Rahane to lead a reasonably young and not very experienced Indian side.

How can the BCCI be so overconfident after what happened so recently?! Have the board members already forgotten the defeat at the hands of Bangladesh?





India recently lost 2-1 to Bangladesh in an ODI series. We all know that.

One team loses and one team wins. We all know this too, right? So what really am I trying to say?

Well, here goes. India lost but Bangladesh won too.

While for Indians, this is nothing short of utterly disappointing, for Bangladeshis it calls for celebration.

While the Indian cricket fan may crib, criticise and complain it is only fair to consider the other very important angle in the situation.

Bangladesh won and the greatness of Bangladesh’s victory should in no means be taken away from them.

Earlier this year, Bangladesh reached the quarter-final of the cricket World Cup. Most people dismissed this achievemnt as a one-time wonder.

Was it really a one-time wonder? Especially after the ODI series, I think not.

Bangladesh has arrived and are becoming a team to compete with. Just like they can’t be so easily written off, neither can this young Indian side.





Not so long ago, back in 2007, a young inexperienced Indian side lifted the first ever T20 World Cup trophy.

Big players were rested: Tendulkar, Dravid, Ganguly, Laxman and the like. Who would have thought we would win?!

So what is the whole point here? It is to never assume. Anything can happen in Sport. This upsets word really needs to go.

Some players may be better than others and some teams may be better than others, but in the end, there will be surprises but it’s about time we stopped getting shocked, don’t you think?





Coming back to the matter at hand, the series starts on 10th July.

Rahane is carrying the weight of over a billion on his young shoulders. The team, overflowing with passion, is more than ready to go.

If anything is certain, it is that we are about to witness some great cricket, because promising talent always entertains!

So raise your glass to the future of Indian cricket and sit back and watch the game you love!




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