India is going to celebrate its 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021. The pandemic has hit the industry severely including travel sectors. Mr. SNMD Sarkar, CEO of Travelkaroo, says now is the time for unity and togetherness to fight the virus.

Mr. Sarkar also expressed grief at the lives lost in the battle against COVID-19. The pandemic severely affected the travel agents, the travel-tourism sector, more than any other area of business, is totally dependent on people moving around freely and confidently.

Now with the Coronavirus threat, this movement is severely restricted and, as a result, the travel agents are bearing the brunt. Travelkaroo is a travel finance company, which finances up to 50% of an individual’s air travel expenses, in lieu of easy EMIs.

While wishing his citizens a Happy Independence Day 2021, Mr. Sarkar has this to say, “India is a wonderful country! Our value system is our power and our resolve comes from the fact that, concern what, we succeed to fly like a bird after each tragedy.

Despite ages of foreign rule, we’ve achieved to regain our life of history and custom, manifest in our governments, business, and architecture firms. I wish my citizens a great future ahead!”

Due to current financial insecurities, people who are habitual of air travel, or those who need to travel by air, are also unable to book tickets. TravelKaroo is an innovative company that has been launched recently and it has boosted the energy in the travel sector.

TravelKaroo will increase public movement in air travel, which would infuse money through ticket bookings, by paying 50% of your ticket price so that you have to pay just 50% yourself.

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