Disclaimer: Originally published in September 2018. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today. 

The marketing guys at Huawei are one savage bunch, and once their target was Apple (YET AGAIN). When Apple launched the oh-so-revolutionary new iPhones earlier in September of 2018, it was at the receiving end of a number of trolls, but I highly doubt if anything beats how Huawei trolled Apple this week.

In August, Huawei was in a lot of limelight when it surpassed Apple to become the second-largest smartphone vendor in the world, just behind Samsung. While they may still lack behind in the premium smartphones segment, it surely beats Apple when it comes to marketing campaigns.

When the new iPhones, namely the iPhone XS and XS Max, were released this month, Huawei was quick to troll Apple by thanking them for ‘keeping things the same’.

However, Huawei wasn’t done yet. They poked fun at Apple again, this time with one savage dig.

We all know that Apple’s batteries aren’t the best in the industry. That’s exactly what Huawei used to their advantage to have some fun.

Here’s how Huawei trolled Apple at the launch of the new iPhones back in 2018 and stole the limelight –

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Also Read: What Are Apple’s Dark Secrets It Doesn’t Want You To Know

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

Huawei Trolled Apple

If you’re also one of those anti-Apple customers or like most of us, can’t afford the new iPhones, Huawei might have something for you. All of this marketing was for their latest flagship offering, which was to be released next month – the Huawei Mate 20 series.

Apple’s biggest strength besides its profit margin is its loyal customer base, and that’s exactly what Huawei targeted with one clever campaign.

Hope it can stand up to Apple’s challenge when it comes to making high-end smartphones.

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Indian Express, News18, CNBC + more

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