Girls Dressed As Boys In Afghanistan To Save Them From Oppression (Video)

Well that is a legit tradition back in Afghanistan where a girl child is dressed up as a boy so that she can taste freedom in the hallowed streets of that country.


Women have had it tough in all kinds of societies in this world for centuries now. They have been beaten, suppressed, tortured and what not. While things are finally looking up for them at many places, women in Afghanistan remain oppressed. And that is why there can be seen girls dressed as boys there roaming about doing all the things boys can.

Sounds weird?

Well, there is a legit tradition called Bacha Posh back in Afghanistan where a girl child is dressed up as a boy so that she can taste freedom in the hallowed streets of that country.

You would have understood by now that Afghanistan is not a very liberal society so to speak. There are many restrictions on girls in addition to the societal expectation that every family should have a male child.

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Watch this video to understand more about this tradition of cross-dressing among girls of Afghanistan which people practice to breathe in its conservative air:

In Afghanistan Girls Are Dressed As Boys To Save Them From Oppression

Sources: Nat Geo, The Guardian, Emirates Women, Wikipedia

Images Source: Nat Geo, The Guardian, Google Images

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